From the MHH

Trade union calls for collective agreement to ease the burden on MHH

Presidium takes wishes of MHH employees very seriously. Vice President announces review of Verdi proposals.

Several people stand at a rally in front of the MHH campus.

MHH employees are present at the handover of the letter of intent. Copyright: Inka Burow/MHH

Today, Wednesday, the trade union Verdi presented Hannover Medical School (MHH) with a letter of intent to enter into collective bargaining negotiations for a "Collective Bargaining Relief Agreement". In addition to the existing collective agreement of the federal states, this is intended to provide relief through better staffing ratios in nursing, but also for employees in therapeutic professions and trainees, for example. Jörg Stühmeier, Head of Division I (Human Resources/Organization), accepted Verdi's demand on behalf of the MHH Executive Board. With the handover, the hospital management was given a 100-day ultimatum: Strikes have been announced in the event that a collective bargaining solution is rejected.

MHH as a state enterprise cannot make its own arrangements

"The MHH Presidential Board understands the desire for relief," says MHH Vice President Martina Saurin, responsible for business management and administration. "The burden is undeniable. We take the wishes of MHH employees very seriously. However, as a state-owned company, MHH cannot make its own arrangements due to the state's membership of the Tarifgemeinschaft deutscher Länder (TdL). However, we will of course pass on Verdi's request to the TdL and evaluate the proposals by the end of the ultimatum on August 17, 2024 in terms of their impact on MHH's already difficult economic situation. The resulting restrictions on patient care for the Hannover region and the state of Lower Saxony, which cannot currently be guaranteed without further ado, must also be weighed up."

Text: Inka Burow