
BSc Biology, Leibniz-University Hannover

Module (Lecture and Practical Course): "Developmental Biology II", 4th semester
Module (Lecture): "Research in Hannover", 4th semester
Module (Lecture and Practical Course): "Molecular Genetics", 5th semester
Individual lab work (6 weeks +)
Bachelor thesis work

MSc Biomedicine, Hannover Medical School

Module (Lecture and Practical Course): "Molecular Biology", 1st semester
Module (Lecture and Practical Course): "Organogenesis and Regeneration", 2nd semester
Individual lab work (6 weeks +)
Master thesis work

MSc Biochemistry, Hannover Medical School

Module (Lecture and Practical Course): "Molecular Biology", 3rd semester
Module (Lecture and Practical Course): "Organogenesis and Regeneration", 2nd semester
Individual lab work (6 weeks +)
Master thesis work

MDPhD Molecular Medicine, Hannover Medical School

Lecture and seminar: "T-box genes in development and disease", 2nd semester
PhD thesis

PhD Regenerative Sciences, Hannover Medical School

Lecture and seminar: "Developmental Biology”, 1st semester
PhD thesis


Please inquire for internships, BSc, MSc and PhD projects