
On the following pages, you will find important information about the organization of your studies, including how to re-register for the next semester, how to apply for a leave of absence, what to do after finishing your studies or in case of pregnancy. In addition, students of human medicine will find everything they need to know about the practical year in their 6th academic year.
Information on organising your studies
Academic leave of absence
German only
Withdrawel from universityGerman only
Study fees IT-Services for students Practical yearGerman only
Re-registrationGerman only
Pregnancy/maternal leaveGerman only
The Multicard you have received after enrollment from the registrar's office, the AStA or your student coordinator has various functions:
- Student ID (please note the validation for the respective semester)
- Semester ticket (if you are not exempt or on a leave of absence)
- Payment card at the Mensa (you need to charge money first)
- Access control card (if applicable for your degree programme and/or course)
The print of the student ID needs to be renewed each semester after re-registration.