Dean of Research
Prof. Dr. med. Frank Michael Bengel
Medical School Hannover (MHH)
Dept. of Nuclear Medicine and Office of the Dean of Research
For appointments, please contact the Research Officer.
Tasks of the Dean of Research
- Support and counselling of the MHH president with regard to development of research structures and strategies at the MHH.
- Advisor for research issues in the Senate.
- Advisor on SFB initiatives, new appointees, career issues, PhD and Habilitation students).
- Heads the research commission of the MHH (FoKo)
- Heads the MHH advisory board for the central animal facility, currently represented by Prof. Dr. Reinhold Förster.
- Cooperation with the Ombudsperson for good scientific practice.
- Representative duties (e.g. award and graduation ceremonies, inaugural lectures).
- Coordination of research award evaluation of the MHH (e.g. Best-Doctoral-Thesis-Award).