▸ State Exam
Practice right from the start!
In the HannibaL model study program, you as a student have patient contact from the very beginning; the classic separation of theory and practice, i.e. pre-clinic and clinic, is eliminated.
⇒ to the study program (German)
Close to the tooth in practice
Here you combine medicine with manual skills and a lot of contact with patients.
⇒ to the study program (German)
▸ Bachelor
Accompanying life from the beginning
As a student here at the MHH, you will receive a scientific degree with practical vocational training.
▸ Master
Tracking down the molecular basis of life
Here you can explore the cellular and molecular basis of life processes and their pathological changes.
Research-oriented - Interdisciplinary - Practical
Analyzing diseases and determining their causes is the task of biomedicine. You deal intensively with cell biology and molecular biology and link both with medical questions.
⇒ to the study program (German)
Innovative - Interdisciplinary - Interactive
Here you will become an expert for large complex data sets in healthcare and (bio-)medical research.
Human - Animal - Environment
Here you will learn the basics of various infectious diseases with special reference to zoonotic agents, pathogens that can jump from animals to humans.
Shaping change in healthcare
Here you will become an expert in health care planning and decision-making processes, a specialist in the development, implementation and evaluation of health-promoting and preventive programs, in health communication and in research and teaching in public health.
The Master's programme in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy is aimed at you as a graduate of a relevant (polyvalent) bachelor's degree in psychology and offers you the opportunity to acquire the necessary professional qualifications for a licence to practice as a psychotherapist.
⇒ to the study program (in German)
▸PhD Programmes
The PhD Programme ‘Infection Biology’ is open to people who have successfully completed a university degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or natural sciences and is intended to provide project-oriented postgraduate training in research with the aim of enabling in-depth independent scientific work and an extended professional qualification for tasks in research or related activities in the field of infection biology.
The MD/PhD Programme ‘Molecular Medicine’ is aimed at doctors and natural scientists with a state examination or M.Sc. degree and prepares students for the step towards research-based science in a project-oriented manner. In addition to research work, the curriculum also includes key qualifications such as research and medical ethics, scientific writing and presentation.
The Cluster of Excellence REBIRTH (From Regenerative Biology to Reconstructive Therapy) has initiated the international PhD Programme ‘Regenerative Sciences’. This degree programme is also located under the umbrella of HBRS and is intended to enable a research career in the field of regenerative medicine and benefits from the intensive cooperation within the REBIRTH Cluster of Excellence. The REBIRTH Cluster of Excellence focuses on research into diseases of the organ systems blood (including immunity), heart, lungs and liver. Synergies are developed by bringing together a broad spectrum of experts with in-depth background knowledge.
The PhD Programme ‘Systems Neuroscience’ provides project-oriented postgraduate training in neuroscientific research with the aim of enabling students to carry out in-depth independent scientific work and gain advanced professional qualifications for tasks in research or related fields of activity.
The three-year PhD Programme in the field of epidemiological research is a cooperative project between the Department of Epidemiology, the HZI Grad School and the HBRS (MHH). After successfully completing the programme, students usually receive the title PhD or, in individual cases, Dr. rer nat.
BIOMEDAS is directed to students who are interested in combining disciplinary knowledge with the skills of a data scientist and working at the interface of bioinformatics, medical informatics, databases, data mining, machine learning, applied mathematics, biomedical modelling and analysis of complex networks.
The PhD Programme "Auditory Science" has been developed within the framework of the Joint Research Academy of the Cluster of Excellence Hearing for all.
The Hannover Medical School (MHH) is a leading institution of higher education and synonymous with excellence in teaching, research and health care (as stated in the MHH Mission Statement). Our approach is integrative and cooperative. Academic education and scientific learning are the primary focus of our university whose aim is interdisciplinary and practice-oriented higher education. Close interaction with research and health care reflects this overall concept.
All students acquire skills that enable active participation in the formation and development of a digitized scientific community. Students are prepared to assume challenging social positions independently and responsibly and to be accountable for their own studies. This is seen in their constructive participation and collaboration in university courses, active self-learning and work on academic committees. A distinct and fair discussion and feedback culture enables an intensive exchange of information and ideas.
The university’s administration fosters and promotes teaching and learning with its supportive organization and infrastructure. A well-founded structuring of digital teaching and learning environments is our aim.
The MHH imparts specialized knowledge in all disciplines and across subject areas. Instructors at the MHH engage in work and research of the highest caliber and include current scientific discoveries in their teaching. Students learn all the principles of well-founded science as a basis for their own skills in academic scholarship.
The open values culture at the MHH stands for overcoming gender-specific, ethnic, cultural, social, religious and economic barriers. Diversity is shaped by mutual respect, participation, accountability and tolerance. As core components of our university community, science and innovation boost the skills and competencies of each individual.
The MHH is an internationally oriented university. Our aim is to enable people of all nationalities to work, teach, and engage in research and study at the MHH.
Ensuring the sustained excellence of our teaching is an ongoing process that is actively supported by the university administration. Achievements in teaching receive the same respect, esteem and recognition as achievements in research and health care.
Resolution of the Academic Board of Hannover Medical School from Jan 16, 2019
Other links
Registrar’s Office International Office Hannover Biomedical Research School HBRS
The HBRS is an interdisciplinary graduate school for physicians (MD / PhD, MBBS, Dr.med.) And bioscientists (biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, engineering, veterinary sciences, etc.). Everything important can be found here.