Copyright: Sigrid Czarnotta

Transparency in Research

Transparency in Research

The Hannover Medical School is one of the most research-intensive university medical centres in Germany. A success that is an obligation. Our scientists are leading the way for the medicine of tomorrow. They bear a high level of social responsibility. Academic freedom on the one hand and academic responsibility on the other are two sides of the same coin. Our Basic Law guarantees and demands both.

In accordance with the Higher Education Development Agreement of the Universities of Lower Saxony from 2013 and the Guidelines on Transparency in Research of the State Higher Education Conference and the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, MHH is committed to transparency for all its research projects. MHH aims to maintain the transparency of its research projects by providing continuous and easily accessible information. With the Commission for Research Ethics, the MHH provides its scientists with experts to assist them with ethical questions in connection with their research projects.