Directions to Hannover Medical School
With the Deutsche Bahn (DB)
Line S6/S7 from Hanover central station in the direction of Celle, change at Karl-Wiechert-Allee station and take the tram line U 4 in direction Roderbruch
Line S3 from Hanover central Station in the direction of Hildesheim, change at stop Karl-Wiechert-Allee and take ram line U 4 in direction Roderbruch
By city train (üstra)
Line U 4 from Kröpcke in the direction of Roderbruch; stop Medizinische Hochschule
(does not leave directly from the central station: either from the central station 400m on foot to the station Kröpcke or with the lines U 1 / 2 / 8 (Messe) from the main station basement two stations to the Aegidientorplatz, there on the same platform level opposite change to line U 4)
By bus (üstra)
not from the main station, only transfer connection from city trains
Line 123 from Peiner Str. (U 1 / 2 / 8) direction Buchholz (U 3 / 7) or vice versa; stop Medizinische Hochschule
Line 124 from Am Brabrinke (U 1 / 2) in the direction of Misburg or vice versa; stop Misburger Straße (to the dental clinic)
Line 127 from Kantplatz (U 4 / 5) in the direction of Misburg or vice versa; stop Misburger Straße (to the dental clinic).
Line 137 from Kantplatz (U 4 / 5) in the direction of Spannhagengarten (U 3 / 7) or vice versa; get off at Medizinische Hochschule
By car
Coming from Kassel, take the highway A7 until the Hannover-Süd junction, then continue on the A37 towards Hanover. The A37 becomes the Messeschnellweg.
Coming from Hamburg on the highway A7 to the junction Hannover-Kirchhorst, continue on the A37 in the direction of Hanover.
Coming from Dortmund or Berlin on the highway A2 to thejunction Hannover-Buchholz, continue on the A37 in the direction of Hannover.
Take the A37 or the Messeschnellweg until the Weidetorkreisel and turn into Karl-Wiechert-Allee (see sketch). Then it is only a few minutes to the MHH.
Where are we located?
Please note that there may be delays due to the parking situation on the premises of the Medical School. We therefore recommend that you allow an additional 15-20 minutes for parking when planning your journey.