Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases and Endocrinology

Professor and Chairman Prof. Dr. med. Heiner Wedemeyer
(Contact information below)


Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases and Endocrinology

The highly-skilled team of the Department for Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases and Endocrinology offers patients with liver, stomach, and intestinal diseases a state-of-the-art range of diagnosis and treatment at the modernly equipped clinic. Because of the close cooperation with the other clinics and institutes of the Hanover Medical School and the Comprehensive Cancer Centre Lower Saxony, patients receive interdisciplinary care as needed. The focus is always on personalized care.


Research and teaching

Research and teaching is an important part of our clinic and is closely linked to clinical work. Both basic and clinical research is carried out in a large number of working groups. Employees of the clinic are involved in various research groups and cooperations. Clinical studies give us the opportunity to test new treatment methods, they form the basis for the broad establishment of new therapies. The transfer of existing knowledge and new findings within the framework of student training is important to us.

Hepatology and Liver Centre Hanover

Prof. Dr. Wedemeyer is a proven liver specialist. The diagnostics and therapy of liver diseases are among his specialities. At the MHH Liver Centre, all procedures of liver and bile duct surgery are performed on children and adults. One of Prof. Wedemeyer’s main focuses is the hepatological treatment of acute and chronic liver diseases and the treatment of liver cancer that can lead to liver transplantation. Cancers of the liver, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract are treated on an interdisciplinary basis at the Comprehensive Cancer Centre of Lower Saxony. Another focus of Prof. Dr Wedemeyer’s work is the diagnosis and treatment of rare liver diseases (e.g. hepatitis D infection). The MHH is one of five German university hospitals in the “ERN-rare” network for rare liver diseases.

Congenital liver diseases are detected and treated with the help of sonography and interventional radiology as well as the most modern methods of genetic diagnostics. Treatment concepts (e.g. for monogenetically determined liver diseases using innovative gene therapy) are developed and established.

Endoscopy MHH – Modern Diagnostics

In the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases and Endocrinology, standard endoscopic procedures such as gastroscopy, colonoscopy, and ERCP are routinely performed. By inserting the smallest probes equipped with cameras, it is possible to visualise the organs. If necessary, treatment can be carried out directly in the same session.

State-of-the-art, flexible, high-resolution endoscopes are used to investigate the gastrointestinal tract. At the tip of the endoscope is a camera that directly transmits images from inside the body to a monitor. Various instruments and tools can be inserted via a working channel to take samples or remove polyps.

The endoscopic operations are performed by experienced specialists. Through cooperation with other specialist disciplines, treatment at the highest level is guaranteed. In addition to common and special endoscopic methods, new therapeutic procedures are regularly developed and evaluated in clinical studies.

The examinations and operations are usually carried out under short anaesthesia (even in outpatients if desired) so that the patient is deeply asleep and experiences no pain during the endoscopy. The medication is administered and monitored by experienced and specially trained professionals.

Visceral Oncology Centre – Interdisciplinary Diagnosis and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Tumours

People with cancer of the intestine, liver, stomach, bile ducts, pancreas, and oesophagus receive the best care in all phases of the disease at the Visceral Oncology Centre Hanover.

Experienced specialists in visceral surgery, gastroenterology, hepatology, radiology, and radiotherapy work together on an interdisciplinary basis and can draw on the latest diagnostic and therapeutic methods for individual therapy planning. This interdisciplinary cooperation is supplemented by a close network of psychosocial care, nutritional counselling, specialist oncological care, wound and stomatotherapy, outpatient aftercare, and rehabilitation. This guarantees the best possible care of patients at the highest quality level.

The four general surgery wards have a total of 93 beds as well as four gastroenterological wards with a total of 80 beds, 10 therapy places in the gastroenterological-oncological day clinic and 5 additional treatment places in the visceral surgery polyclinic. The well-trained medical and nursing staff help ensure the success of therapy. Diagnostics as well as medical and surgical therapy are carried out according to the latest scientific findings and are individually tailored to the patient. The Visceral Oncology Centre Hanover also has an extensive range of new therapeutic agents for when standard therapies fail.

Treatment focus

  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Liver diseases (also rare liver diseases)
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Tumours of the gastro-intestinal tract
  • Infectious diseases
  • Transplantation medicine

Diagnostic Services

  • Sonography/ Elastography/ Endosonography
  • Endoscopy/ Gastroscopy/ Colonoscopy/ ERCP
  • Cholangioscopy
  • Mini-laparoscopy/ Capsule endoscopy
  • Gastroenterological function tests
  • CT/ MRI/ PET

Our clinic team

Prof. Dr Heiner Wedemeyer is a specialist in gastroenterology and director of the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases and Endocrinology at the Hanover Medical School. He works in a multiprofessional team, we would like to introduce our Senior Physicans.

For our junior staff, we offer a multifaceted, interdisciplinary training and continuing education program.


Prof. Dr. Heiner Wedemeyer
Professor and Chairman

Prof. Dr. Markus Cornberg
Chief Senior Physician and Acting Director

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Maasoumy
Chief Senior Physician - Staff and Clinic
Hepatitis, Studies and TIPS Outpatient Clinic


Dr. med. René Abu Isneineh
Senior Physician (Intensive Care Unit)

PD Dr. med. Anna Saborowski
Senior Physician

Prof. Dr. Heike Bantel
Senior Physician (Hepatology)

Dr. Andrea Schneider
Senior Physician (Nutritional Medicine)

Dr. Patrick Behrendt
Senior Physician (Sonography)

Prof. Dr. Ursula Seidler
Senior Physician (Outpatient Colon Clinic)

Dr. Markus Busch
Senior Physician (Intensive Care Ward)

PD Dr. Klaus Stahl
Senior Physician

PD Dr. Katja Deterding
Senior Physician (Outpatient Hepatology, Clinical Study Area, Private Outpatient Clinic)

PD Dr. Richard Taubert
Senior Physician (Interdisciplinary Transplantation Clinic for Abdominal Organs)

Prof. Dr. Michael Gebel
Senior Physician (Sonography)

Dr. Christoph Terkamp
Senior Physician (Endocrinology and Diabetology Outpatient Clinic)
PD Dr. Benjamin Heidrich
Senior Physician / Acting Head of Department (Endoscopy)
PD Dr. Thomas Wirth
Senior Physician (Gastroenterological Day School)
Head of the Visceral Oncology Centre
Dr. Holger Leitolf
Senior Physician (Endocrinology, Diabetology, Lipidology)


Dr. med. Timo Hellms
Funktionsoberarzt (Clinic Administration/ Ward 38)
Dr. med. Anna König
Funktionsoberärztin (Endocrinology)
Dr. med. Katharina Hupa-Breier
Funktionsoberärztin (Nutritional Medicine)
Dr. med. Miriam Wiestler
Funktionsoberärztin (Infusion outpatient clinic/ Clinic administration)





Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Zentrum Innere Medizin
Klinik für Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie, Infektiologie
und Endokrinologie
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
30625 Hannover

Professor and Chairman: Prof. Dr. med. Heiner Wedemeyer

Office:  Verena Mehr          +49 511 532 6490
             Sabrina Claußen   +49 511 532 3305


Applications can be sent directly to the office of Prof. Wedemeyer or to the work group leaders.  


Contact in case of emergencies

In emergency situations, please contact the MHH Emergency Department by phone: +49 511 532-2052.

Patient appointments

For patient appointments within our consultation hours, please contact our outpatient departments directly.


Inpatient admission

For inpatient admission to our clinic, please contact our staff members N. Basse and M. Bergmann:

Phone: +49 511 532-6052
Fax: +49 511 532-8079

Mobil: +49 176 1532-6052
