Early Career Mentoring
Welcome and thank you for visting the ECM website!

Early Career Mentoring is a programme aimed at female doctors* at the beginning of their specialist training as well as doctoral candidates in all MHH disciplines. The combination of the mentoring partnership, workshops and regular networking evenings in the group expands the personal network of the participants* and strengthens their profile. With its intersectional approach, the ECM is aimed at people who are marginalised due to various diversity characteristics and who are confronted with structural barriers and discrimination in everyday life. We strongly encouage such applicants to apply.
Kick-off Event 4th round of ECM!

Dear Mentees, dear Mentors
Dear Members of the MHH,
We hereby cordially invite you to this year's kick-off event of the Early Career Mentoring!
The event will take place on Thursday, 6 February 2025 from 17:00 - 19:00 pm at PFZ, room I10- SO-7050 . After a welcome by Claudia Froböse (Deputy Equal Opportunity Officer) and a short presentation of the programme by Stefanie Weuffen (Coordinator), Lisa Bünig from the Competence Centre for Gender Sensitive Medicine, MHH, will give a talk on "Sex and Gender Sensitive Medicine Insights and Controversies".
All those interested are cordially invited to attend the event, which will be followed by refreshments. Registration by e-mail to earlycareer@mh-hannover.de is welcome. More information about the programme can be found at www.mhh.de/gleichstellung/programme-und-projekte/early-career-mentoring.
We look forward to seeing you there!
ECM Overview
With Early Career Mentoring, the MHH Equal Opportunities Office is launching a new mentoring programme for female doctors at the beginning of their specialist medical training and female doctoral students in all subjects at the MHH. Since October 2022, a total of 36 qualified young female scientists have been supported in the mentoring programme.
Goals of the Early Career Mentoring Programme:
- Promote committed young female scientists and scholars
- strengthen their competencies and potential for their professional careers, and to support them in
- their careers with the experience of successful female researchers
- Transfer of experience and knowledge in the mentoring relationship
- Establishment of an interdisciplinary network
The ECM aims at women who want to consider their professional career. The target group is women who want to pursue a career in science or who want to take on leadership responsibilities in research, teaching, clinical practice or science administration.
- Female physicians from the 2nd year of specialist training onwards
- Doctoral students (PhD) of all sciences at the Hannover Medical School
- early stage Postdocs
The programme thrives on the diversity of the mentee group! Therefore, in Early Career Mentoring, female scientists and physicians with different professional backgrounds and experiences come together in one group.
The mentoring program consists of three areas:
- Group mentoring - the mentoring in the narrower sense
- various seminars and workshops for extracurricular qualification
- as well as the development of an interdisciplinary, supporting network, which also lasts beyond the mentoring program.
- every two month a regular´s table
An opening and closing event will form the framework for this program.
The ECM offers a comprehensive programme - this also means a certain time commitment for you.
When you start the ECM, you sign an agreement and commit yourself to
- active and committed participation in the workshops and face-to-face events
- participation in a conference with a poster and/or presentation as well as a publication (co-authorship)
- participation in the evaluation of the programme by means of questionnaires and, if necessary, interviews
- Writing a profile or short report with a photo for the final brochure
- Payment of €125 as an expense allowance for catering at events
The next call period is from 16 September to 20 October 2024
Application requirements:
- Female physicians from the 2nd year of specialist medical training
- Female doctoral students of all sciences at the MHH
- Willingness to actively participate in group mentoring (2-3 mentees / 1 mentor)
- Willingness to exchange experiences with colleagues
- Commitment and responsibility: reliable participation in the joint framework and career programme as well as in evaluation and quality assurance
Step 1: Send us your written application during the application period with the following documents.
Application documents:
- Cover letter: Motivation & Expectations - Please describe what goals you have with regard to your future career / career planning. In what way could mentoring support you in realising your career goals? What would you personally like to achieve by participating in the mentoring programme? Please briefly state what expectations you have of the cooperation with the mentor. If available, please provide information on your socio-political commitment and/or parenting or caring responsibilities.
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form on previous education and professional career (in descending order)
- Profile sheet here
Please submit all application documents summarised in one PDF document:
- by e-mail to earlycareer@mh-hannover.de
Step 2: You will receive a confirmation of receipt after the end of the application period. After reviewing all applications, the candidates will be selected in cooperation with the Equal Opportunities Commission. This usually takes 4 weeks. Please refrain from enquiring about the status of your application during this time, thank you.
Step 3: If you are accepted onto the programme, you will be matched at and we will inform you of your mentoring group. You sign the mentoring agreement and the participation fee of 125 euros is due.