Two female scientists work on a laptop in the lab. Copyright: AdobeStock

Early Career Mentoring

Early Career Mentoring

Welcome and thank you for visting the ECM website!

Early Career Mentoring is a programme aimed at female doctors* at the beginning of their specialist training as well as doctoral candidates in all MHH disciplines. The combination of the mentoring partnership, workshops and regular networking evenings in the group expands the personal network of the participants* and strengthens their profile. With its intersectional approach, the ECM is aimed at people who are marginalised due to various diversity characteristics and who are confronted with structural barriers and discrimination in everyday life. We strongly encouage such applicants to apply.

Kick-off Event 4th round of ECM!

Dear Mentees, dear Mentors

Dear Members of the MHH,

We hereby cordially invite you to this year's kick-off event of the Early Career Mentoring!

The event will take place on Thursday, 6 February 2025 from 17:00 - 19:00 pm at PFZ, room I10- SO-7050 . After a welcome by Claudia Froböse (Deputy Equal Opportunity Officer) and a short presentation of the programme by Stefanie Weuffen (Coordinator), Lisa Bünig from the Competence Centre for Gender Sensitive Medicine, MHH, will give a talk on "Sex and Gender Sensitive Medicine Insights and Controversies".

All those interested are cordially invited to attend the event, which will be followed by refreshments. Registration by e-mail to is welcome. More information about the programme can be found at

We look forward to seeing you there!

ECM Overview

Contact the programme management and programme coordinator

Stefanie Weuffen

Coordinator Early Career Mentoring

Phone:+49 (0) 511 532-84081

Fax:+49 (0) 511 532-3441

E-Mail: earlycareer/at/

Susanne Klyk

Equal Opportunities Officer of the MHH

Phone: +49 (0) 511 532-6501

Fax: +49 (0) 511 532-3441

E-Mail: Gleichstellung/at/