Contact & Office Hours
International Office

Where to find us: Building J01, Level S0, Room 1160 / 1170 (Map)
Angela Steinhusen
Provisional Head of the International Office
Project Coordination Erasmus+
Phone: +49 (0)511 - 532 6026
E-Mail: steinhusen.angela[at]
Office hours (no appointments):
Mo & Tu 13 - 15 h, Thu 10.30 - 12 h
Lisa Mertens
International students and internships
Project Coordination PROMOS
Project Coordination University Cooperations
Phone: +49 (0)511 - 532 6027
E-Mail: mertens.lisa[at]
By appointment only
Mareike Hoffmann
Project Coordination IsiE MHH
Project Coordination STIBET I
Phone: +49 (0)511 - 532 60629
E-Mail: hoffmann.mareike[at]
By appointment only
Hannover Medical School was awarded the Erasmus+ Charta for Higher Education for the entire programme period from 2021 to 2027.
Study (SMS)
ERASMUS Study Stay (SMS)
When planning a stay in the Hannover Medical School you will find the necessary information here (list of documents available in English):
- Application Instruction and Procedure
- Study Guide and course structure (German version)
- List of ECTS credit points and MHH grading
- Academic calendar (German version)
Online application in HISinONE - Details will follow!
ERASMUS - Counselling for incoming students
ERASMUS Project Coordinator
Tel. + 49 511 532 6026
The Project Coordinator is responsible for the administrative handling of the ERASMUS programme, i.e. carrying out the application procedure. It advises and informs interested students from abroad when they are planning their ERASMUS stay at the MHH and is the local contact for questions and problems in connection with the stay at the MHH.
ERASMUS - Counselling about the study programme
Departmental Coordinator
Herr PD Dr. Volkhard FISCHER
Tel. + 49 511 532 6015
The Departmental Coordinator advises and informs foreign ERASMUS students on all questions relating to medical studies (e.g. content, scope and selection of courses, organisation of examinations, recognition of academic achievements, ECTS conversion).
The Departmental Coordinator accepts the Learning Agreement (OLA) and issues the Transcript of Records (ToR) after the stay.
International Office
Building I 1, ground floor (S), room SO 1170
Hannover Medical School
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, 30625 Hannover / Germany
Internship (SMP)
If you are planning practical clinical training (Famulatur) or a short-time research training in a laboratory (Laborpraktikum) at Hannover Medical School through Erasmus+ SMP (student mobility placement), please apply about 6 months before you would like to start at MHH.
Your request should contain the following information and documents:
- full name
- home university, home country
- Exact dates of the planned stay: the start is always Monday, and the end is always Friday. Please note that the minimum duration in the framework of ERASMUS+ SMP is 60 days
- Institute/department, in which you would like to complete a traineeship. Please bear in mind that the minimum duration of stay in each institute/department is at least 4 weeks. Click here for a list of our clinical departments and our research institutions.
- CV
- Enrollment certificate from your university with the anticipated date of graduation
- Knowledge of German: proficiency level B1 is mandatory for the application but some clinics may have higher requirements
Please consider that patients speak German only, and clinical conferences, ward rounds, etc. take place in German even if many doctors speak English. The better you know German, the more you will benefit from your stay at the MHH.
Please send your application via email to Mrs. Lisa Mertens ( in the
International Office (Library Building J1, level S0, Room 1160)
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
30625 Hannover
Tel. + 49 511 532 6027
Your placement is determined by the availability of places in the respective departments and institutes.
Once you have been accepted for an ERASMUS+ SMP internship, you are required to submit the following documents via email to Mrs. Lisa Mertens:
- ERASMUS+ Learning Agreement for Traineeship (filled in by you, signed by you and the responsible person at your home university)
- Transcript of record
- Valid health certificate (this document must be filled in and signed by your local physician and returned to Mrs. Mertens at least 2 months before you arrive in Hannover)
- The following insurances will be mandatory. Please send a proof in German or English: personal health, personal liability, malpractice and accident insurance
Accommodation can be offered to ERASMUS+ students by the Studentenwerk Hannover in one of the MHH dormitories if there are any vacancies. Please register and apply as early as possible here. Note that you can only rent and move in on/from the 1st or on/from the 16th of each month.
If you are planning an ERASMUS+ placement at MHH, you may find more helpful information about MHH and the Erasmus+ programme here: European Student Guide
Information for International Applicants
EU-Applicants for the 1st year have to apply to the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung like German citizens. A German language certificate (proficiency level A/A+) is required.
Non-EU applicants: Application for the first year
Admission to Medicine / Dentistry
If you are a non-EU student and want to apply for the first year of the undergraduate course in Medicine or Dentistry at the MHH, please apply ONLINE through the central application agency UNI-ASSIST.
UNI-ASSIST will check all your documents and your qualification and pass the application on to us for the further admission process. We only deal with applications which come through UNI-ASSIST.
You will find further information on the internet at
The next application deadline will be July 15. The MHH only takes up students for the winter semester. Undergraduate courses start every year middle of October.
If you must visit the Studienkolleg (M course), you must also send your application to UNI-ASSIST.
The teaching language at our school is German. No courses or exams in medicine or dentistry take place in English at undergraduate level. Therefore, a German language certificate (proficiency level A/A+) is required.
Please note that no preparatory German courses or German language tests are offered at the MHH.
We cannot offer any kind of financial aid or grants to foreign students. Costs of living amount in Hannover to app. 800 EUR per month.
Non-EU applicants: Application for "Studienkolleg"
Important information for applicants from non-EU countries, who have to attend the "Studienkolleg" before applying for Medicine/Dentistry at MHH
The deadline for applications ends on January 15th or July 15th. We recommend submitting your application at least 8 weeks before the respective deadline. Only complete applications will be processed.
All foreign applicants from non-EU countries must apply via UNI-ASSIST e.V.. In some cases, UNI-ASSIST may allocate applicants to take part in the "Studienkolleg" before starting their university studies. If this is the case, UNI-ASSIST informs the MHH that the respective candidate requires "Studienkolleg". In turn, the applicant will be registered at the "Studienkolleg" directly by the MHH.
It is not possible to apply for the "Studienkolleg" directly at the MHH! All applications must be submitted ONLINE to UNI-ASSIST (
"Studienkolleg" starts at the beginning of either the sommer or winter semester.
A German language certificate (B2 or higher) must be included in the application to UNI-ASSIST. A mere confirmation of having attended a German B2 course is not sufficient!
The MHH Studierendensekretariat is in charge of admitting foreign students.
More information on the application procedure and university studies in Germany is provided by e. g. the German Academic Exchange Service and "Study in Germany".
Application for advanced semester
If you are studying Medicine or Dentistry at a foreign university, and would like to change to the Hannover Medical School to study in an advanced semester, you must have the courses and exams which you have taken at the present university recognized by German authorities (Landesprüfungsamt für Medizin, Psychotherapie und Pharmazie (LPA))
After the recognition procedure you may apply for the resp. semester at the MHH. Please note that the so-called Practical Year ("PJ") takes place in the 11th and 12th semester.
You will find information about the application procedure at the MHH student registrar's office.
Application deadline for the winter semester is July 15; for the summer semester January 15. Admission into all semesters will, however, only be possible in case of vacancies. No reliable predictions can be made in advance.
A German language certificate (A/A+) is required.
If you want to take an active part within the Practical Year at a German medical Faculty at one of its „Akademische Lehrkrankenhäuser“ (Clinical teaching hospitals) two prerequisites have to be fulfilled:
- You have to had passed the second part of the German state examination in Medicine successfully, or the „Landesprüfungsamt Düsseldorf“ must have given you a certificate of equivalent studies.
- You have to be enrolled at any German University for medical studies (Humanmedizin) in the last cycle.
If one or both prerequisites are missing, you couldn’t start in Germany a clinical clerkship with the rights and obligations of a „PJ’ler“!
Information for International Postgraduates
Continuing Education at MHH: Study, Training, Research
Hannover Medical School (MHH) is one of Germany’s leading universities in the field of medicine and life sciences. Patient care, research, teaching, administration, work ‘hand in hand’ on MHH campus.
With its concentrated support of specialized research areas, MHH has become one of the best university clinics in the country and enjoys international reputation in continuing education and research. Every year, more than 200.000 patients (inpatients and outpatients) are treated at the MHH. Outstanding Medical research is closely linked with the latest diagnostic procedures and therapies. ‘Interdisciplinary cooperation’ is one of the major aims of MHH. People from more than 40 countries worldwide study, work and do research at MHH, international cooperations and networks with universities and clinics worldwide are constantly being expanded. We welcome applications from abroad.
Physicians will find detailed information about the requirements for medical doctors from abroad (EU and non-EU citizens) seeking further medical training in Germany at the website of the German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer)
The regional authority for registration (‘Approbation’) in Hannover (Niedersachsen) is the Medical Association of Lower Saxony
Dentists from abroad please see the website of the German Dental Association (Bundeszahnärztekammer) for general information.
For any training or medical specialization at the MHH one has to apply directly at the respective department or clinic for more specific information or vacancies and application procedure. Click here for a list of our clinical departments and our research institutions.
A special website for international PostDocs of the MHH EU Liaison Office provides support for junior and experienced researchers, who are interested in coming to MHH with their own fellowship and plan to apply e. g. for a Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship or a fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. This website is also linked to a list of research groups interested in hosting an international fellow.
If you would like to take advantage of this support, please use the contact form provided at this website.
Information on further MHH research areas can be found at the website of the MHH Dean of Research. If interested, please contact directly the head of the research project in question.
Postgraduates from abroad who wish to do a doctorate at Hannover Medical School (Dr. med. / Dr. rer. nat. / Dr. hum. biol. / PhD) will find further details, requirements and doctoral degree regulations.
Various international PhD-programs can be found at: Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS)
More Programs (continuing education, doctorate) can also be found here.