Research Projects of the Prinz Group
2019-2025 EXC 2155: RESIST
Resolving Infection Susceptibility
2018-2022 DFG Forschergruppe FOR2799Receiving and Translating Signals via the gamma-delta T Cell Receptor
2018-2022 DFG FOR2799Peripheral shaping of γδ TCR repertoires
07/2014-06/2022 SFB900, Projekt B8Towards the use of antigen-specific γδ T lymphocytes for CMV virus control after allogeneic stem cell transplantation
Cooperation with the Könecke Group
Central facility for high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics
07/2018-06/2021 GIF Research Grant No. I-1432-201.11/2017Sentinels of the Oral Epithelium - Elucidating the Development and Function of Oral T Cells and their Interplay with Langerhans Cells, Cooperation with Prof. Avi-Hai Hovav, Hebrew University
2019-2021, Project A128382, Niedersachsen-Israel research projectExploring the mutual regulation of γδ T cells and the oral microbiota
07/2017-06/2020 DFG Sachbeihilfe PR 727/8-1Investigating the function of gamma-delta T cells
Completed Projects of the Prinz Group
- 12/2016-06/2018 DG/PARO - „Analyse der Entwicklung von γδ T-Zellen in der murinen Gingiva und ihrer Funktion bei der P. gingivalis-induzierten Parodontitis“
Kooperation mit AG Prof. Stiesch, MHH - 10/2013–10/2017 DFG Sachbeihilfe PR 727/5-1 - Investigating the impact of entheseal resident γδ T lymphocytes on tissue remodeling in spondyloarthropathy via the IL-23 - IL-17 cytokine axis
- 05/2013–10/2017 DFG Sachbeihilfe PR 727/4-1 - The impact of γδ TCR sequences on selection and peripheral repertoire shaping of γδ T cells
- 07/2013-06/2016 Deutsche José Carreras Leukämie Stiftung R12/29- Optimizing Treg cell specificity for GvHD control
- 07/2009-06/2013 DFG Sonderforschungsbereich 621, Teilprojekt A14 - Function, specificity, and migration of γδ T cells and their role in pathological processes of the intestinal mucosa
- 07/2009-12/2012 DFH/UFA Partenariat franco-allemand (G2R-FA-104-07) - „Mukosale T-Zellen: Genetische Ansätze zur Untersuchung der Entwicklung und Homeostase des mukosalen Immunsystems“ (Deutsch-Französische Hochschule – Université franco-allemande)
- 06/2009-12/2010 DFG Cooperation grant PR 727/3-1 - International Cooperation with Dr. Marcela Hermoso, Santiago de Chile. “The role of γδ T cells in intestinal inflammation.“
- 04/2008-06/2009 DFG Sachbeihilfe PR 727/2-1, afterwards part of SFB 621 „Function, specificity and homing of γδ T cells in peripheral tissues“
- 04/2007-08/2008 EU 6th ERG 046578 - “Analysis of the mechanisms that direct γδ T cell homing and functions”