Inflammation Research

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kyeong-Hee Lee
Professor for Inflammation Research
Institute of Clinical Chemistry
Hannover Medical School
Tel. 0511 532 5285
Research concept
Our laboratory employs basic and translational immunology to explore molecular and cellular mechanisms that control inflammatory immune responses. Particular emphasis is on B cell-mediated immune modulation in the context of chronic inflammation and inflammation-associated tumorigenesis. Studies follow a multidisciplinary approach, in which we combine cell biological, immunological and genetic methods with the use of animal disease models. In our studies we also aim to develop innovative immune-based therapeutic strategies for clinical interventions.
Specific focus areas
Regulatory B cell subsets and their physiological function
Here we focus on the identification, functional analysis, genetical characterization, and physiological impacts of IL-10-producing regulatory B cell subsets and regulatory B cell-derived plasma cells. In our studies we apply a wide range of techniques, including singe-cell transcriptome analysis, BCR-repertoire profiling and inflammatory in vivo disease models.
Tumor-promoting inflammatory microenvironment during the development of colitis-associated colorectal cancer
In these studies, we investigate complex regulatory networks of mucosal immunity during chronic intestinal inflammation and aim to uncover decisive factors that drive inflammation-associated colorectal cancer. Studies also analyze the interrelationship with the gut microbiota.
Control of immune function by actin cytoskeletal regulation and membrane trafficking processes: PD Dr. rer. nat Niko Föger (group leader)
This research unit investigates how the regulation of actin cytoskeletal dynamics and the control of membrane trafficking processes in immune cells contributes to normal and pathophysiological processes in the immune system.
Funding: DFG, Deutsche Krebshilfe, DGKL
- PM Aliabadi, K Al-Qaisi , PK Jani, K Honjo, U Klemm , KH Lee, N Baumgarth, A Radbruch, F Melchers, H Kubagawa. 2023. Enhanced Mott cell formation linked with IgM Fc receptor (FcμR) deficiency. Eur. J. Immunol. 53(7):e2250315.
- C Melcher, J Yu, VHH Duong, K Westphal, NHS Farimany, A Shaverskyi, B Zhao, T Strowig, S Glage, K Brand, AC Chan, N Föger and KH Lee. 2022. B cell-mediated regulatory mechanisms control tumor-promoting intestinal inflammation. Cell Reports. 40:111051. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111051
- J Yu, VHH Duong, K Westphal, A Westphal, A Suwandi, GA Grassl, K Brand, AC Chan, N Föger and KH Lee. 2018. Surface receptor Toso controls B cell-mediated regulation of T cell immunity. J Clin Invest. 128(5):1820-1836
- A Westphal, W Cheng, J Yu, G Grassl, M Krautkrämer, O Holst, N Föger and KH Lee. 2017. Lysosomal trafficking regulator Lyst links membrane trafficking to TLR-mediated inflammatory responses. J Exp Med. 214(1):227-244
- N Napke, S Tartz, KH Lee* and T Jacobs*. 2015. The application of anti-Toso antibody enhances CD8(+) T cell responses in experimental malaria vaccination and disease. VACCINE. 33(48): 6763-70
*shared senior authorship - KS Lang, PA Lang, A Meryk, AA Pandyra, LM Boucher, VI Pozdeev, MW Tusche, JR Göthert, J Haight , A Wakeham, AJ You-Ten, DR McIlwain, K Merches, V Khairnar, M Recher, GP Nolan, Y Hitoshi, P Funkner, AA Navarini, A Verschoor, N Shaabani, N Honke, LZ Penn, PS Ohashi, D Häussinger, KH Lee* and TW Mak*. 2013. Involvement of Toso in activation of monocytes, macrophages, and granulocytes. PNAS. 110(7):2593-8
*shared senior authorship - XH Nguyen, G Fattakhova, PA Lang, KS Lang, D Adam, N Föger and KH Lee. 2012. Anti-apoptotic function of Toso (Faim3) in death receptor signaling. Blood. 119(7):1790-1
- XH Nguyen, PA Lang, KS Lang, G Fattakhova, D Adam, N Föger, Md.A Kamal, P Prilla, S Mathieu, C Wagner, TW Mak, AC Chan and KH Lee. 2011. Toso regulates the balance between apoptotic and non-apoptotic death receptor signaling by facilitating RIP1 ubiquitination. Blood. 118(3):598-608
- N Föger, A Jenckel, Z Orinska, KH Lee, AC Chan and S Bulfone-Paus. 2011. Differential regulation of mast cell degranulation versus cytokine secretion by the actin-regulatory proteins Coronin1a and Coronin1b. J Exp Med. 208:1777-87
- N Föger, S Bulfone-Paus, AC. Chan and KH Lee. 2009. Subcellular compartmentalization of FADD as a novel level of regulation in death receptor signaling. FEBS J. 276 (15):4256-65
- KH Lee, C Feig, V Tchikov, R Schickel, S Schütze, ME Peter and AC Chan. 2006. The role of receptor internalization in CD95. EMBO J. 25(5):1009-23
- N Föger, L Rangell, DM Danilenko and AC Chan. 2006. Requirement for coronin 1 in T lymphocyte trafficking and cellular homeostasis. Science. 313(5788):839-42
- KH Lee, AR Dinner, C Tu, G Campi, S Raychauhuri, R Varma, TN Sims, WR Burack, H Wu, J Wang, O Kanagawa, M Markiewicz, PM Allen, ML Dustin, AK Chakraborty and AS Shaw. 2004. The immunological synapse balances TCR signaling and degradation. Science. 302 (5648): 1218-22
- KH Lee, AD Holdorf, ML Dustin, AC Chan, PM Allen and AS Shaw. 2002. T cell receptor signaling precedes immunological synapse formation. Science. 295:1539-1549
Prof. Dr. Kyeong-Hee Lee
Professor for Inflammation Research
Tel. 0511 532 5285
PD Dr. Niko Föger
Group leader
Tel. 0511 532 5286
Noushin Helmi Siasi Farimany
PhD student
Tel. 0511 532 5289
Vu-Huy Hoang Duong
PhD student
Tel. 0511 532 2959
Anton Shaverskyi
PhD student
Tel. 0511 532 5289
Christian Melcher
PhD student
Tel. 0511 532 2959
Laura Kampe
PhD student
Tel. 0511 532 5289
Tirthankar Saha
PhD student
Tel. 0511 532 5289
Katrin Westphal
Technical Assistant
Tel. 0511 532 5289
Martina Krautkrämer
Technical Assistant
Tel. 0511 532 5289