Inflammation Research

Prof. Dr. Kyeong-Hee Lee



Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kyeong-Hee Lee

Professor for Inflammation Research


Institute of Clinical Chemistry

Hannover Medical School

Tel. 0511 532 5285




Research concept

Our laboratory employs basic and translational immunology to explore molecular and cellular mechanisms that control inflammatory immune responses. Particular emphasis is on B cell-mediated immune modulation in the context of chronic inflammation and inflammation-associated tumorigenesis. Studies follow a multidisciplinary approach, in which we combine cell biological, immunological and genetic methods with the use of animal disease models. In our studies we also aim to develop innovative immune-based therapeutic strategies for clinical interventions.


Specific focus areas

  • Regulatory B cell subsets and their physiological function

Here we focus on the identification, functional analysis, genetical characterization, and physiological impacts of IL-10-producing regulatory B cell subsets and regulatory B cell-derived plasma cells. In our studies we apply a wide range of techniques, including singe-cell transcriptome analysis, BCR-repertoire profiling and inflammatory in vivo disease models.


  • Tumor-promoting inflammatory microenvironment during the development of colitis-associated colorectal cancer

In these studies, we investigate complex regulatory networks of mucosal immunity during chronic intestinal inflammation and aim to uncover decisive factors that drive inflammation-associated colorectal cancer. Studies also analyze the interrelationship with the gut microbiota.


  • Control of immune function by actin cytoskeletal regulation and membrane trafficking processes: PD Dr. rer. nat Niko Föger (group leader)

This research unit investigates how the regulation of actin cytoskeletal dynamics and the control of membrane trafficking processes in immune cells contributes to normal and pathophysiological processes in the immune system.


Funding: DFG, Deutsche Krebshilfe, DGKL