Institute of Molecular Biology

Address / Contact:

Institute Director: Prof. Dr. A. Kispert

Medizinische Hochschule Hannover 
Institut für Molekularbiologie
OE 5250
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
D-30625 Hannover


Secretary: Imke Peters
Phone: +49 511 532 - 4322
Fax: +49 511 532 - 4283

Research profile of the department

In our institute independent groups address basic questions concerning organ and tissue development and cell differentiation using the mouse as model organism and a variety of modern biochemical, molecular genetic, and transgenic methods and technologies.


The institute participates in the following study programs:

BSc Biology, Leibniz-University Hannover

MSc Biomedicine, Hannover Medical School

MSc Biochemistry, Hannover Medical School

PhD Molecular Medicine, Hannover Medical School

PhD Regenerative Sciences, Hannover Medical School


In addition to the curricular activities we continuously offer individual lab rotations (≥6 weeks) for bachelor and master students, and the possibility to perform Bachelor and Master Theses (please inquire).

For open PhD positions please inquire or see the "open positions" pages of the groups.