FAQs - Contact Persons
The MHH has a Campus licence for the bibliographic administration programme RefWorks. Training sessions are held on a regular basis in the library. Further Information: information.bibliothek(at)mh-hannover.de
edv.bibliothek@mh-hannover.de or call the following number: +49 (0)511 532-5578.
The central buying section for literature is located in the library. Please send a requisition form for the purchase of materials/equipment to the library. Further information: erwerbung.bibliothek@mh-hannover.de
Please contact direktion.bibliothek(at)mh-hannover.de or call the following number: +49 (0)511 532 3970. A further option is to enter your book suggestion here.
The library will offer advice on how to settle publication costs and adminster DFG-Project funds for publication in Open Access journals. Further information: bibliothek.publikationsberatung(at)mh-hannover.de
Loans can be renewed on the user account (catalogue). Should there be any Problems, please contact the lending desk: +49 (0)511 532 3329. Further information: ortsleihe.bibliothek@mh-hannover.de
ausbildung.bibliothek(at)mh-hannover.de or call the following number +49 (0)511 532-3338.
FAQs - University Bibliography
The head of the department is responsible.
No. Amendments must be send by email to: information.bibliothek(at)mh-hannover.de.
Duplicates are eliminated by means of a duplicate check.
Each department reports only the information concerning their own authors. The relevant department reports the publication to the library employee, who in turn checks that the details are complete. Information on an author not at the MHH is irrelevant in this context.
Publications for the university bibliography reported as "epub ahead of print" are later supplemented by the library employees.
Complex searches can be made using RefWorks "Shared Area" . To find out which publications from one particular department have already been processed, one should select the desired year. By clicking the right side of mouse on the corresponding file at the right hand corner of screen, you will find "search" and "extend" as a search mode. Use the drop-down menu to find "department". In the search field on the right hand side you should enter the four-digital OE number and click on "search" klicken.
In general, processing can last 3-4 days.
The impact factors are completed by the library employees.
Dissertations submitted to the MHH do not have to be registered with the university bibliography since they are registered automatically through the submitted obligatory copy. Dissertations in cooperation with other universities must be registered with the university bibliography.
FAQs - Search for Literature
E-books are generally indexed in the catalogue . Instead of a book number you will find a link indicating the relevant publishing house. E-books can be downloaded chapter by chapter as pdf. This is, however, only permitted on the MHH Campus. Members of the MHH and students can download ebooks at home or outside the MHH Campus.
this symbol stands for E-Books. E-books are generally indexed in the catalogue . Instead of a book number you will find a link indicating the relevant publishing house. E-books can be downloaded chapter by chapter as pdf. This is, however, only permitted on the MHH Campus. Members of the MHH and students can download ebooks at home or outside the MHH Campus.
All articles not available in the MHH library can be ordered per inter library loan. for this you must fill out inter-library loan form. A normal order costs kostet € 1,50 and, in most cases, will be delivered within a week. Should you require an article any sooner, an additional charge will be made.
Only those articles for which the MHH has a licence can be downloaded. However, many journals are licence-free (Open Access). All other articles can be ordered per inter-library loan. The EZB offers information on the relevant access priviledges for the MHH. Should an article not be accessible despite a valid licence, please contact:bibliothek.ezb(at)mh-hannover.de
FAQs - Bibliographic Administration
Refworks is a literature administration program. It is predominantly used for scientific work to obtain in text citations and references. For this an import of references is required from the various data banks corresponding to RefWorks.
Visit the site refworks.proquest.com/signup/mhh/. New users must register beforehand. Follow the guidelines on the screen. Initial registration should be noted on the MHH network. For creating the account you need an email which contains mh-hannover.de or stud.mh-Hannover as a domain-part. Thereafter you can call up Refworks outside of the MHH campus. For Registration outside the Campus you need the following link: http://HAN.mh-hannover.de/han/refworks/
Currently, outside registration can’t be done directly in the new version of RefWorks.
Please register with the old RefWorks and then change to the new version via the link New Move to the newest version of RefWorks from Proquest (top left).
It will cost you nothing. The MHH library is in possession of a campus licence and enables all MHH members (and alumnis) to gain access to this program.
Please refer to the brief information (only in German language). The individual features can be found on YouTube. The library offers Training courses on every first and third Friday of the month. (Only in German language).
This is possible. Please use export format RIS or Bibtex.