Responsible teams and staff
The library team will take care of your concerns regarding the following topics.
We recommend using the mentioned functional addresses for e-mail enquiries where possible. This way we can respond as quickly as possible.
Central purchasing
Bibliothek der MHH - OE 8900
Phone: +49 511 532-3343
Deposit copies
Anke Ölscher Phone.: +49 511 532-3322
Sabine Knauer Phone.: +49 511 532-3543
Information desk
Bibliothek der MHH - OE 8900
Phone: +49 511 532-3326
Interlibrary loan
Bibliothek der MHH - OE 8900
Phone.: +49 511 532-3332
Lending desk
Bibliothek der MHH - OE 8900
Phone: +49 511 532-3329
Bibliothek der MHH - OE 8900
Head of the library
Phone: +49 511 532-3338
Deputy Head of the library
Phone: +49 511 532-3338
Publication advice
Bibliothek der MHH - OE 8900
Annette Spremberg: Phone: +49 511 532-6606
Céline Schmelzer: Phone: +49 511 532-3339
Research data management
Bibliothek der MHH - OE 8900
Nils Dille
Phone: +49 511 532-82655
University bibliography and Refworks
Bibliothek der MHH - OE 8900
Phone: +49 511 532-3326