E-books purchased by the library are listed in the catalogue. Instead of a shelfmark, you will find a link (Volltext, Campuszugriff) that takes you directly to the e-book (only possible from the MHH campus). If you are employed, studying or doing a doctorate at the MHH, you can also access the resources externally via a separate link (Volltext, Externer Zugriff).
Please note that the availability of e-books via the MHH library licence may vary. Not all media offered on the platforms are included in the library licence.
Licensed e-book collections of the MHH library
Springer eBooks: Medizin (from 2006 onwards)
Full texts of German-language eBooks from the Springer publishing group in the e-book package "Medicine" (including healthcare, package ID 11773) via the SpringerLink portal (e-book collection)
Springer eBooks: Medicine (published between 2005 and 2010)English-language e-books from the Springer publishing group on SpringerLink: Monographs, Textbooks, Handbooks and Reference Works (e-book collection)
ScienceDirect / Elsevier German Medical CollectionGerman-language medical e-books published by Elsevier Munich/Urban & Fischer on the SciVerse ScienceDirect platform (e-book collection)
ScienceDirect / eBookseBooks from the publisher Elsevier
Schattauer E-Book KollektionE-books focussing on psychotherapy and psychiatry from Schattauer-Verlag. They are aimed at teaching, research and practice and come from the field of human medicine. [E-book collection]
Hogrefe eLibraryWith over 1,800 eBooks available, Hogrefe covers the subject areas of psychology, health sciences and nursing.
At the MHH only selected e-books focussing on nursing are available
The main aim of DOAB is to increase the discoverability of open access books. The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) lists over 76,000 e-books from more than 700 academic publishers that are freely accessible in full text.
All e-books in the catalougeTo search for specific e-books, please use the following search query: BBG Oa? AND ALL [search term]
Any Questions? Contact us.
Information desk
Bibliothek der MHH - OE 8900
Phone: +49 511 532-3326
Email: information.bibliothek@mh-hannover.de