Open Educational Resources (OER)

Open Educational Resources (OER) are educational materials of any kind and in any medium that are under an open license. Such a licence allows free access as well as free use, editing and further redistribution by third parties with no or only minor restrictions. In this context, the originators themselves determine which rights of use they grant and which rights they reserve. (Jonathas Mello, Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission – in German)
Open educational materials promote exchange and collaboration in the educational world and make it more accessible, thus improving research and teaching. The MHH is also involved and you can read, use and reuse the results via twillo (in German).
Legal advice
Stabstelle Recht (Legal Department) - OE 0400
Claudia Eßmann
Phone: +49 511 532-6483
Information desk
Bibliothek der MHH - OE 8900
Phone: +49 511 532-3326