Plagiarism check of articles, doctorates and habilitations
The MHH offers all doctoral students at the MHH the opportunity to check their doctorate once and on their own responsibility with the plagiarism software PlagScan (via ILIAS) before submission. By accepting this service, doctoral candidates are obliged to present the results of the analysis to their supervisor. For more information on how the analysis is carried out and on data protection, please refer to the information sheet on preventive plagiarism analysis.
Individual user packages (for authors who are NOT doctoral students at the MHH) are no longer offered with PlagScan. We therefore recommend using the PlagAware software.
To PlagScan (for doctoral students)
The verification is free of charge once. Access is granted by means of an access code, which you will receive via ILIAS.
To PlagAware (For all others)The cost of the examination will be at your own expense, but you may be eligible for reimbursement from your department.
For specific questions on good scientific practice:
Ombuds Office
Dr Olga Halle
Dr Beate Schwinzer
Phone 0511-532 6002
E-mail to
For all other questions:
Information desk
Library of the MHH - OE 8900
Phone number: +49 511 532-3326