Finding free publications
The following search tools are available for finding freely accessible full texts:
The Directory of Open Access Journals can be searched for quality-assured Open Access journals as well as for individual articles that are freely accessible.
The Bielefeld Academic Search Engine is one of the world's largest search engines for academic documents on the World Wide Web. Approximately 60% of all documents indexed there are freely accessible in full text.
For online articles whose full texts cannot be accessed due to a paywall, the browser plug-in Unpaywall online shows whether there is a freely accessible version of the article. It is available for Firefox, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge zur Verfügung. Unpaywall uses symbols to indicate whether the text is available free of charge.
Publication advice
Bibliothek der MHH - OE 8900
Annette Spremberg: +49 511 532-6606
Céline Schmelzer: +49 511 532-3339
Fax: +49 511 532-6607