Settling publication costs
Publication costs are settled via payment instructions [German: Auszahlungsanweisungen (AZAs)]. A distinction is made between two different forms*. One form in the event that your publication costs are paid through state funds (cost centers) and another in the event that your publication costs are paid through third-party funds (funds).
In the case of Open Access publications, you have the option, under certain conditions, of having your publication costs paid from the DFG Publication Fund.
Please also note our negotiated publication discounts with publishers or the publisher agreements.
* The forms can be found in the organisation handbook under the item payment instructions.
Ways of settling the publication costs
The following documents and details are required for a direct payment order to the publisher:
Payment instruction
- Reason for payment
- G/L account 691035 (publication costs)
- Cost centre of your department
Please note that the taxes for publications abroad are only levied after the invoice has been issued in the course of the so-called reverse-charge procedure. You will receive a net invoice from abroad (without any tax being shown) and VAT, currently 19%, will be charged when the invoice is entered in the accounts. Please state the VATID of the MHH for publications abroad: DE115650503.
In the event that you have disbursed publication costs, the following documents and details are required:
Withdrawal instruction
- Reason for payment
- G/L account 691035 (publication costs)
- Cost centre of your department
- Private bank statement
- Form: Request for reimbursement*
- Original invoice
*Forms of the Finance Department can be found in the Organisation Manual under F (Finance Department).
*Formulare der Finanzabteilung finden Sie im Organisationshandbuch unter F (Finanzabteilung).
Publication advice
Bibliothek der MHH - OE 8900
Annette Spremberg: +49 511 532-6606
Céline Schmelzer: +49 511 532-3339
Fax: +49 511 532-6607