Representation of transparency in research through research data management

Research data management

Publishing research data


Starting in 2021, the library of Hannover Medical School (MHH) will launch a six-month test phase for publishing the research data of MHH scientists.


Every scientific activity generates research data that is also relevant beyond this process. Free access to this data, as required by third-party funding bodies or publishers, ensures greater transparency in research in accordance with the guidelines of the LHK and the MWK of Lower Saxony. As a result, your data will be preserved in the long term, in a traceable manner, and can continue to influence research long after the research process is over.

Publication via the repository “RepoMed“:

Based on the DFG's guidelines for safeguarding good scientific practice (in German only:, the MHH implements the archiving of research data in the form of a repository.

With the "RepoMed" repository already available at the library, it is possible to manage research data according to the FAIR principles. "RepoMed" is the institutional publication repository of the MHH and is operated by the library. The library is technically supported by the central service of the Joint Library Network Göttingen (VZG-Reposis-Dienst).

Information on handling research data:

Research data concept (in German only: Forschungsdaten Konzept)

The following information is needed from you:

The published data is provided with an appropriate (selectable) CC-BY licence and a (selectable) restriction level as well as being enriched by metadata. A link to a possible article publication can be implemented.

Your data can be accessed via the following restriction levels:

1) Open Access (completely open access)

2) access for registered users of "RepoMed”

3) via non-open access with

3a) permission from the data owner or  

3b) with contractually regulated conditions via research data management.


The clarification of legal and ethical questions remains the responsibility of the data owner. 

You want to publish your data? Here's how to proceed:

To publish your research data on "RepoMed" we need:



An advisory service ( has been set up and is provided by Nils Dille, Research Data Management Officer.


Any questions? Contact us.