Directions to the Hannover Medical School
Connections to the MHH
By train (Deutschen Bahn, DB):
Commuter train S6/S7 (going to Celle): get on at the main station; get off at Karl-Wiechert-Allee and change upstairs to city tram line U 4 (going to Roderbruch).
Commuter train S3 (going to Hildesheim): get on at the main station; get off at Karl-Wiechert-Allee and change upstairs to city tram line U 4 (going to Roderbruch).
By city tram (Üstra):
Tram line U 4 runs from Garbsen via Kröpcke (not from the main station) in the direction of Roderbruch; the MHH has its own stop, Medizinische Hochschule.
From the main station: either walk 400 m to the next stop, Kröpke, or take tram line U 1, U 2, or U 8 (Messe) located two levels below the main station. Get off at the second stop, Aegidientorplatz, and change on the same level to tram line U 4 on the other side of the platform.
By city bus (Üstra):
Bus 123, either from Peiner Strasse (via tram line U 1, U 2, or U 8) or from Buchholz (tram lines U 3 and U 7); get off at Medizinische Hochschule.
Bus 124, either from Am Brabrinke (via U 1 or U 2) or from Misburg; get off at Misburger Strasse (at the Dental Clinic).
Bus 127, either from Kantplatz (via U 4 or U 5); get off at Misburger Strasse (at the Dental Clinic).
Bus 137, either from Kantplatz (via U 4 or U ) or from Spannhagengarten (via U 3 or U 7); get off at Medizinische Hochschule
- Note that these bus connections do not originate from the main station, but must be reached by connecting tram lines.
By car:
From Kassel on the A7: at the Hannover-Süd interchange (Autobahn-Dreieck), take the A37 in the direction of Hannover. The A37 becomes the "Messeschnellweg" (see below).
From Hamburg on the A7: at the Hannover-Kirchhorst interchange (Autobahn-Kreuz), take the A37 in the direction of Hannover. See further directions below.
From Dortmund or Berlin on the A2: at the Hannover-Buchholz interchange (Autobahn-Kreuz), take the A37 in the direction of Hannover. See further directions below.
From the A37 (= Messeschnellweg), exit at the Weidetor traffic circle (Weidetorkreisel) onto Karl-Wiechert-Allee (cf. map below). From here it is a short drive to the MHH.
Parking on the MHH site
Chargeable tariff time: 07:00 to 22:00 (15 hours)
Parking fees can only be paid with cash.
- Up to 30 minutes: free of charge
- 31th to 60th minutes: 1.30 euros
- Every additional hour or part thereof: 1.30 euros
- Maximum charge 24 hours: 10 euros
- Lost ticket: 10 euros
Long-term parking rates multiple entries and exits
- Day ticket: 8 Euro
- Weekly ticket: 25 Euro
- Monthly ticket: 45 Euro
Free parking: Visitors and patients with a disabled badge and the suffix "aG" or "Bl".
The parking spaces on the upper parking deck in front of the polyclinics and the main entrance are reserved exclusively for patients and visitors of the MHH.
► Please note: Changed parking tariffs from 1 April 2025
The parking fees for patients and guests will be adjusted from 1 April 2025. The first three hours or part thereof will now cost 2.00 euros each, from the fourth hour or part thereof the hour will cost 1.00 euros each. Cars will continue to park free of charge for the first 30 minutes.
The maximum daily charge remains unchanged at 10.00 euros. The discounted offers for long-term parkers remain unchanged. Parking for severely disabled persons with aG or Bl will continue to be free of charge.
Guidance and tickets are available from our parking office (Parkraumbüro).
You’ll find us in building K06, level H0, room 1270, main entrance of main hospital building (Bettenhaus), next to our Information counter.
We are available on +49 (0)511 532-5218.
Opening times: Mon. to Thur. 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon and 1.30 – 6.00 p.m.
Fri. 9.00 –12.00 noon and 1.30 – 4.00 p.m.