Colorectal surgery and proctology

"Our Department of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery offers the entire spectrum of intestinal surgery (including surgery on the small and large intestine as well as the rectum and the anal canal) at the highest level. We are part of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Lower Saxony (CCC-N), which is supported by the German Cancer Aid as an Oncological Center of Excellence. This allows us to provide state-of-the-art treatment of malignant tumors (also in a metastasized stadium) in an interdisciplinary manner coordinated in weekly tumor boards. As a colorectal cancer center certified by the German Cancer Society (DKG), we benefit from our center's special expertise in liver and lung surgery.
Through the development of pioneering surgical techniques, our department has been making a significant contribution to progress in this field for many years. Our special expertise in minimally invasive surgery allows us to perform an above-average number of such procedures on the colon and rectum (i.e. laparoscopically or with the da Vinci Xi surgical robot). This allows a further reduction of the postoperative morbidity. In combination with an individually tailored surgical preparation and aftercare, this allows us to offer you a gentle and safe treatment.
Please contact me personally, gladly also for a second opinion!"