"Our Department of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery offers special expertise in tumor involvement of the peritoneum. Major operations involving multiple organs (e.g. stomach or colon tumors) are performed by a highly specialized team.
These operations are combined with special forms of chemotherapy, such as hyperthermic intra-peritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC), if the peritoneum is affected.
Through the development of pioneering surgical techniques, our department has made a significant contribution to progress in this field for many years. Our special expertise in minimally invasive surgery allows us to perform an increasing number of these procedures either laparoscopically or with the da Vinci Xi surgical robot. This allows a further reduction of the postoperative morbidity. In combination with an individually tailored surgical preparation and aftercare, this allows us to offer you a gentle and safe treatment.
Please contact us personally, gladly also for a second opinion!"
Prof Dr. Beate Rau, PD Dr. W. R . Ramackers, Peritoneal surgery
Telefon 0511 532 6534 E-Mail Rau.Beate(at)mh-hannover.de, Ramackers.Wolf(at)mh-hannover.de