Modules in the European Master of Science in Midwifery
On this page you can find information about the
- Online teaching method
- Admission requirements for registered students and guest students
- Dates, costs and registration
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Download the current module catalogue with partner universities 2023/24
Core modules
European healthcare systems and midwifery Practice (15 ECTS)
Advanced research methods (15 ECTS)
Master thesis (30 ECTS)
Elective modules
Learning and teaching in midwifery education (8 ECTS)
Effective antenatal care (9 ECTS)
Advanced knowledge in obstetric and neonatal emergency (9 ECTS)
Critical Reflection of midwifery care during
labour (9 ECTS) -
Midwifery education - Principles of planning,
designing and evaluating (9 ECTS) -
The potential of midwifery care in the neonatal
period (9 ECTS) -
Labour duration (9 ECTS)
Scroll down for detailed information about each module.
General information: Modules at MHH
The main method used is inquiry based learning: You and your fellow students are connected online as a study group. In the weekly tutorials you and your peers develop questions and aims on the basis of the weekly unit together with your tutor. Following that, you pursue the topic you have chosen alone or as a group by finding answers to your before formulated question. You then present your answers and the methods used to answer your question through for example a wiki, or a presentation, a scientific poster, a mind map, etc.
Usually, one unit is processed per week and presented in the weekly tutorials. Here, you will receive feedback from your peers and your tutor. Despite the approx. two-hour tutorials per week you are free to distribute your workload according to your needs and preferences. If necessary, directed learning activities are scheduled in order to ensure that the learning outcomes are reached.
As the modules take place exclusively online, you need to have high speed internet access, up to date hard ware, as well as sufficient computer skills. All specific programmes are currently available free of charge, or are covered by your study fees.
All admission requirements for the European Master of Science in Midwifery programme apply.
Specific conditions apply for guests, booking this module without taking part in the MSc-programme. Please contact the module leader or the programme coordinator for details.
- The modules are expected to run annually. The exact dates can be found on the programme website.
- Please apply as soon as possible, a minimum of 5 participants is required for the elective modules.
- Please consider the current scale of fees for the module fees. Additional costs for literature might apply. A specific cost plan is available for participants pursuing the module to meet their requirements for continuing education.
- Applications might be sent by e-mail directly to the module leader or via Please state your full name and address.
Core modules
Semester: 1st Semester
Module responsible: Prof. Dr. Mechthild M. Gross, Dr. Marianne Nieuwenhuijze, Patricia Perrenoud, Dr. Angela Poat
Teachers: Prof. Dr. Mechthild M. Gross, Dr. Marianne Nieuwenhuijze, Patricia Perrenoud, Dr. Angela Poat
Language and course composition: English; lecture and seminar
ECTS points / effort: 15 ECTS / 45 h contact; 330 h self-study
Course achievement: Regular participation
Examination procedure: 2000 word essay (formative); Position paper (6000 words) – 100%
Examination requirements: -
Prerequisites: BSc Midwifery or equivalent
Education material: Power Point, lectures with experts in an European context, library use in all universities
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Compare and contrast historical and societal differences within Europe and their impact on health care systems and midwifery practice provision in their home country;
- Synthesise knowledge from a variety of sources to identify and critically analyse issues that have an impact on women’s maternity health care needs;
- Critically compare women centred care and medicalised systems of care and its effect on empowered choice;
- Critically reflect on current European midwifery practice using models of cares;
- Debate the effect of social, political and legislative initiatives in their home country and its influence on maternal and infant health care during the perinatal period;
- Solve problems and integrate their new knowledge within their professional practice
Introduction to:
- European national health systems and strategic common goals: influences & contradictions
- Differences in health care systems in Europe
- European Union health policy
- European maternal and infant health policy
- Women´s health care in Europe
- Midwifery care in Europe
- Models of women´s care provision
- Models of perinatal care
- Relationship client-care giver
- Clinical governance & quality assurance: monitoring quality of midwifery care
- Public health & midwifery: health for all
Basic Literature
Cluett, E. R., & Bluff, R. (Eds.) (2006). Principles and practice of research in midwifery. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Baeten R. (2014) Cross-border patient mobility in the European Union: in search of benefits from the new legal framework. Health Serv Res Policy. 19(4):195-7
Bosanquet, N., Ferry, J., Lees, C., Thornton, J. (2005) Maternity services in the NHS. London: Reform
Department of Health (2004) The National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services. London: DOH
De Vries, R., Benoit, C., Teijlingen, E. v., & Wrede, S. (2001). Birth by Design : Pregnancy, Maternity care, and Midwifery in North America and Europe. New York: Routledge
Downe, S. (Ed.). (2008). Normal Childbirth: Evidence and Debate. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone
Health care Commission (2007) Programme for maternity services. London: Health care Commission
Semester: 2nd Semester
Module responsible: Loukia Spineli, Dr
Teachers: Dr. Loukia Spineli, Prof. Mechthild M. Gross, Dr. Angela Poat, Dr. Franziska Herbst, Prof. Julia Leinweber
Language and Course composition: English; lecture and seminar
ECTS points / effort: 15 ECTS / 45 h contact; 330 h self-study
Course achievement: Regular participation
Examination procedure: Exam – 60%, Study protocol (proposal) – 40%
Examination requirements: -
Prerequisites: BSc Midwifery or equivalent
Education material: Power Point, lectures with experts in quantitative and qualitative methodology, SPSS license for student’s use
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module, the student should be able to:
- Conduct an independent research project, from inception to completion.
- Apply core concepts in statistics
- Understand a variety of study designs that are relevant to midwifery research
- Critically appraise, develop and use appropriate data collection instruments from both quantitative and qualitative research paradigms
- Understand sources of bias and confounding
- Understand how to develop a methodologically rigorous research study
- Develop a succinct and scientifically sound research proposal
- Give informed and constructive feedback to fellow students about their research projects
This module will advance graduate students’ knowledge of research methods and data analysis approaches relevant for midwifery, and will contribute significantly to their preparation for independent research. The module aims to provide a logical and systematic overview of the research process, and includes sections on developing a research question/hypothesis, choosing appropriate study designs, sampling frames, data collection and analysis approaches. The module covers quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods, with a focus on quantitative research analysis using SPSS. Examples from midwifery research will be used to illustrate core concepts. This module also draws on sources from medicine, epidemiology, nursing, psychology and sociology.
Basic Literature
Altman, D.G. (2011) Practical statistics for medical research (2nd edn). London: Chapman & Hall
Gordis, L. (2013) Epidemiology (5th edition). Saunders Publishing.
Punch, K.F. (2014) Introduction to social research: quantitative and qualitative approaches (3nd edn). London: Sage.
Steen & Roberts (2011). Handbook of Midwifery Research. Blackwell Publishing.
Mayring, P. (2015). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Grundalgen und Techniken (12. überarbeitete Auflage). Beltz Pädagogik.
Semester: Spring Semester (Apr-Sept), Fall Semester (Oct-March)
Module responsible: Prof. Dr. Mechtild M. Gross; Claudia Oblasser, PhD
Teachers: Prof. Dr. Mechthild M. Gross; Claudia Oblasser, PhD; Dr. Loukia Spineli
Language and course composition: English and/or German; lecture and seminar
ECTS points/effort: 30 ECTS / 75 h contact, 675 h self-study
Course achievement: Regular participation
Examination procedure: Master thesis (15,000-20,000 words) – 75%, Oral presentation – 25%
Prerequisites: Completion of 75 ECTS including all core modules
Education material: Module handbook, professional support
Learning outcomes
On completion of this module the student is able to:
- Apply the acquired skills and knowledge required to be an education scholar
- Critically analyse literature
- Critically analyse and synthesise the research in a field of specialisation
- Apply her/his increased methodological and professional sophistication
- Critically reflect and evaluate the theory that substantiates midwifery skills
- Aggregate knowledge from a variety of sources to relate evidence to skills performance in professional practice
- Deeply understand complex information and issues
The master thesis is seen as a cumulative effort representing your entire educational experience. You will engage in in-depth research that suits your personal interest and makes a significant contribution to your field (midwifery). Previous modules in advanced research methods are required to complete your master thesis.
Basic Literature
Ahern K. How to create a journal article from a thesis. Nurse Res. 2012;19(4):21-5. doi: 10.7748/nr2012.
American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. 2010. Sixth Edition. American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Annesley TM. The title says it all. Clin Chem. 2010 Mar;56(3):357-60. doi: 10.1373/clinchem.2009.141523.
Gopen DG, Swan JA. The science of scientific writing. Am Sci. 1990;78:550-8.
Price B. Avoiding plagiarism: guidance for nursing students. Nurs Stand. 2014 Feb 26-Mar 4;28(26):45-51; quiz 52. doi: 10.7748/ns2014.
van Teijlingen E, Hundley V, Bick D. Who should be an author on your academic paper? Midwifery. 2014 Apr;30(4):385-6. doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2014.03.007.
Vandenbroucke JP. STREGA, STROBE, STARD, SQUIRE, MOOSE, PRISMA, GNOSIS, TREND, ORION, COREQ, QUOROM, REMARK and CONSORT: for whom does the guideline toll? J Clin Epidemiol. 2009 Jun;62(6):594-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2008.12.003.
Elective modules
This module provides students with in-depth understanding of critical reflection. You will explore midwifery practices during labour using evidence from a wide variety of sources and reflect on your own practice. This shall lead to enhancement of your own practice and stimulate practice development in general.
Midwifery care is approached from a critical point of view, offering the opportunity to become more self-confident in how you act in personal care.
The student population has an international character and student exchanges are common.
Theories and concepts from various disciplines are used to further develop the midwifery profession.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module students are able to
- Critically evaluate the theory that underpins midwifery skills
- Synthesise knowledge from a variety of sources in order to transfer evidence into practice
- Critically reflect on your own midwifery practice
- Develop a plan for enhancing skilled practice during labour
- Implement culturally sensitive practice during labour
Module specifics
- 9 ECTS Credit Points
- Duration: 10 weeks in part time study
- Teaching and communication language is English. Assignments may be handed in either English or German.
- Online education: You have access to the electronic library of the Hannover Medical School, as well as to the specifically generated learning material for the module on ILIAS. All assignments and group work will take place on ILIAS, the learning platform which connects you with your tutor and your fellow students. Weekly tutorials will be held in the virtual meeting room of DFN Video Conference ‘adobe connect’.
This module will lead students towards a high level of reflection on antenatal care in general, as well as on the individual components of care for pregnant women. You will gain a thorough overview of the provision of antenatal care in the European context. Throughout the module you will be guided to develop a scientifically reflected approach towards guidelines on antenatal care currently in operation. At the end of this module, you are aware of the ethical, political, financial and individual implications of antenatal care, and will reflect your own practice in the light of the newly gathered knowledge.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module students are able to
- Provide safe, cost-effective and culturally sensitive professional antenatal care according to the current state of the art within your country, as well as for citizens crossing borders from other EU member states
- Critically analyse the implications of antenatal care programmes for individual pregnancies, as well as its consequences for public health
- Make scientifically backed-up arguments on the current controversies in antenatal care, such as screening for gestational diabetes, or different models of care
- Aggregate knowledge from a variety of sources, such as guidelines, research evidence, or experience, subsequently assigning appropriate weight to the identified information in order to transfer evidence into practice
Module specifics
- 9 ECTS Credit Points
- Duration: 10 weeks in part time study
- Teaching and communication language is English. Assignments may be handed in either English or German.
- Online education: You have access to the electronic library of the Hannover Medical School, as well as to the specifically generated learning material for the module on ILIAS. All assignments and group work will take place on ILIAS, the learning platform which connects you with your tutor and your fellow students. Weekly tutorials will be held in the virtual meeting room of DFN Video Conference ‘adobe connect’.
This module will lead students towards the potential of evidence-based midwifery care in the neonatal period utilizing a high level of critical reflection. You will gain in-depth knowledge about the current state of the evidence, as well as the current international and national care guidelines in the neonatal period in Europe. Throughout the module you will be guided to develop a scientifically reflected approach for the best practice in normal processes, as well as for supporting normalcy in difficult situations. At the end of this module, you will be aware of the ethical, political, financial and individual implications of midwifery care in the neonatal period for all members of the family. Finally, you will reflect on your own practice in light of the newly gathered knowledge, presenting a creative, challenging and persuasive discourse on the basis of current research evidence.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module students are able to
- Provide advanced, safe, cost-effective and culturally sensitive midwifery care in the neonatal period according to the current state of the art within your country, as well as other European citizens
- Make scientifically backed-up arguments on current controversies, such as epigenetic imprinting and breastfeeding
- Aggregate knowledge from a variety of sources, such as guidelines, research evidence, or experience, subsequently assigning appropriate weight to the identified information in order to transfer evidence into practice
Module specifics
- 9 ECTS Credit Points
- Duration: 10 weeks in part time study
- Teaching and communication language is English. Assignments may be handed in either English or German.
- Online education: You have access to the electronic library of the Hannover Medical School, as well as to the specifically generated learning material for the module on ILIAS. All assignments and group work will take place on ILIAS, the learning platform which connects you with your tutor and your fellow students. Weekly tutorials will be held in the virtual meeting room of DFN Video Conference ‘adobe connect’.
Midwifery master students are learners themselves but also act as teachers alternatively in client education or in the training of bachelor students. This module offers students fundamental knowledge about learning and teaching processes. Although it cannot impart a thorough educational training, it provides students with basic principles of learning outcomes and knowledge acquisition as well as current evidence based teaching methods. Supported by the module leader students can transfer this educational knowledge to the field of midwifery education. They choose a topic of their practice and learn to identify knowledge needs and learning outcomes regarding this topic as well as to select adequate teaching and evaluation methods. This module also offers the possibility for a critical reflection of own learning styles and approaches to life-long learning.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module students are able to
- Explain types of knowledge and foundations of learning processes
- Critically appraise the suitability of teaching methods for midwifery education
- Fundamentally plan, apply and evaluate didactic processes in midwifery basic education
Module specifics
- 8 ECTS Credit Points
- Duration 9 weeks, part-time study
- Teaching and communication language is English. Assignments may be submitted in either English or German.
- Online education: You have access to the electronic library of the Hannover Medical School as well as to the specifically generated learning material for the module. All assignments and group work will take place on ILIAS, the learning platform which connects you with your tutor and your fellow students, in the virtual meeting room of DFN Video Conference and via Skype®.
Midwifery master students are learners themselves but also may fill in the role of teachers in midwifery education. This module will offer students fundamental knowledge about the planning, implementing and evaluating of curricula and educational programs. Although it cannot impart a thorough pedagogic training, it will provide the students with in-depth understanding of learning theories and their implications for curriculum development in midwifery education. Principles of adult learning and self-directed learning will be discussed in relation to basic and further professional education. Planning, implementing and quality assurance of curricular processes will be explored. Supported by the module leader students will transfer this educational knowledge to the field of midwifery education. They will choose a topic of relevance for midwifery curricula design and critical reflect its implications. This module also offers the possibility for a critical reflection of own learning processes and approaches to lifelong learning and further education.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module students are able to
- Critically appraise the role and implications of learning theories in developing midwifery education curricula
- Explain relevant elements of curricular processes
- Critically reflect the planning, designing and evaluating of different programs of midwifery education
Module specifics
- 8 ECTS Credit Points
- Duration 9 weeks, part-time study
- Teaching and communication language is English. Assignments may be submitted in either English or German.
- Online education: You have access to the electronic library of the Hannover Medical School as well as to the specifically generated learning material for the module. All assignments and group work will take place on ILIAS, the learning platform which connects you with your tutor and your fellow students, in the virtual meeting room of DFN Video Conference and via Skype®.
This module will enable a closer look at the processes from the onset of labour until birth. The duration of labour phases, inclusively the discussion on their definitions will be investigated. The focus of this module will lie on how the dynamic nature of childbirth can be supported in view of its physiological duration. The woman’s perspective and the midwife’s role will be at the centre of this reflection.
Relevant topics of the module are methodological aspects and statistical analyses used in different types of study designs. Beside a statistical refresher, different methodological possibilities will be compared and critically reflected. Therefore the module is suitable as a preparation for the module “Advanced research methods”.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module students are able to:
- Define the start and ending points of the different labour phases and the labour process as a whole
- Have knowledge about the dynamic nature of labour and birth as a process depending on different factors
- Have knowledge about benefits and risks associated with different labour durations
- Reflect on the timing of interventions and its impact on labour duration
- Have knowledge about different types of study designs and their methodology used in midwifery and obstetric research to investigate labour duration
- Distinguish timing versus frequency of interventions and get an introduction into time to event analysis
Module specifics
- 9 ECTS Credit Points
- Duration: 10 weeks in part time study
- Teaching and communication language is English. Assignments may be handed in either English or German.
- Online education: You have access to the electronic library of the Hannover Medical School, as well as to the specifically generated learning material for the module on ILIAS. All assignments and group work will take place on ILIAS, the learning platform which connects you with your tutor and your fellow students. Weekly tutorials will be held in the virtual meeting room of DFN Video Conference ‘adobe connect’.
This module will enable students to explore current trends in maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity within Europe. You will explore how lifestyle trends can affect the health of pregnant women and their babies. You will develop a critical analytical approach to current guidelines, evidence-based care, protocols and policies leading to advanced knowledge in obstetric and neonatal emergencies. The module allows you to gain in-depth knowledge about the most prevalent obstetric emergencies and how to manage them. In addition the use of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) will be explored using a standardised approach to the interpretation of EFM.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module you should be able to:
- Demonstrate an advanced understanding and knowledge of the physiological processes that can lead to emergencies in pregnancy and childbirth.
- Identify and critically analyse risk factors, prevalence and current management of obstetric and neonatal emergencies.
- Discuss the effect of obstetric and neonatal emergencies in relation to maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity.
- Demonstrate the ability to formulate advanced critical appraisal and comparative analysis of guidelines.
- Communicate effectively and demonstrate the importance of referrals to specialist services.
- Develop advanced knowledge on how the use of evidence-based guidelines, protocols, policies and practices can be utilised to reduce risk and improve maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity.
Module specifics
- 8 ECTS Credit Points
- Duration 9 weeks, part time study
- Teaching and communication language is English. Assignments may be handed in either English, or German.
- Online education: You have access to the electronic library of the Hannover Medical School, as well as to the specifically generated learning material for the module. All assignments and group work will take place on ILIAS, the learning platform which connects you with your tutor and your fellow students, in the virtual meeting room of DFN Video Conference, and via Skype®.