Tim Scholz
PD Dr. rer. nat.
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Tel: +49 511 532 -2737 (office), -9318 (lab)
Fax: +49 511 532-161215
address: 30625 Hannover, Carl-Neuberg-Str.1, Germany
Building J03, level 03, room 1350
- Studium
1992 - 1998 Studium der Biochemie an der Universität Hannover
1996 - 2003 Studium der Humanmedizin an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover. - Promotion
2002 Promotion zum Doktor rer. nat. (Universität Hannover), Thema: Mechanische Charakterisierung einzelner Motorprotein-Moleküle mit Hilfe des Photonischen Kraftmikroskops - Habilitation / Venia Legendi im Fach „Physiologie
2024 Habilitation / Venia Legendi im Fach „Physiologie“ PD, Thema: Funktionelle Charakterisierung individueller Zytoskelett-assoziierter und Motorproteinmoleküle
Current Research Focus
- Einflüsse des mit der Alzheimer-Krankheit assoziierten Tau Proteins auf die Kinesinfunktion, Mitarbeiter: Müller HS, Jalal A, Uta P; Kooperation: Mandelkow, E, MPI-ASMB, Hamburg; Manstein D, Biophysikalische Chemie, MHH
- Wirkungsmechanismen kleinmolekularer Hemmstoffe auf mitotische Kinesinmoleküle, Mitarbeiter: Pfeffer T; Kooperation: Kirschning A, Institut für Organische Chemie, LUH; Schmidt CF, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- Klasse 1 Myosine als Regulatoren von Mikrotubulidynamik und Kinesinfunktion, Mitarbeiter: Uta P; Kooperation: Tsiavaliaris G, Biophysikalische Chemie, MHH
- Mechanische Charakterisierung einzelner Kinesinmoleküle mit dem Lateral Molecular Force Mikroskop und dem Photonischen Kraftmikroskop, Kooperation: Antognozzi M, Hörber H, University of Bristol, UK
- Osten, J., Mohebbi, M., Uta, P., Matinmehr, F., Wang, T., Kraft, T., Amrute-Nayak, M., Scholz, T. (2022) Myosin essential light chain 1sa decelerates actin and thin filament gliding on β-myosin molecules. J Gen Physiol. Oct 3; 154(10):e202213149. Doi: 10.1085/jgp.202213149.
- Wang, T., Spahiu, E., Osten, J., Behrens, F., Gruenhagen, F., Scholz, T., Kraft, T., Nayak, A., Amrute-Nayak, M. (2022) Cardiac ventricular myosin and slow skeletal myosin exhibit dissimilar chemo-mechanical properties despite bearing the same myosin heavy chain isoform. J Biol Chem. 2022 May 24:102070. Doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2022.102070.
- Amrute-Nayak, M., Nayak, A., Steffen, W., Tsiavaliaris, G., Scholz, T., Brenner, B. (2019) Transformation of the non-processive fast skeletal myosin II into a processive motor. Small. Jan 18:e1804313. Doi: 10.1002/smll.201804313.
- Behrens, V.A., Walter, W.J., Peters, C., Wang, T, Brenner, B., Geeves, M.A., Scholz, T.*, Steffen, W.* (2018) Mg2+-free ATP regulates native cytoplasmic dynein’s processivity. FEBS Letters. Doi: 10.1002/1873-3468.13319. (*geteilte Letztautorenschaft)
- Pfeffer, T.J., Sasse, F., Schmidt, C.F., Lakämper, S., Kirschning, A., Scholz, T. (2016) The natural diterpene tonantzitlolone A and its synthetic enantiomer inhibit cell proliferation and kinesin-5 function. Eur J Med Chem. 112:164-170. Doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2016.02.022.
- Scholz, T. # und Mandelkow, E. (2014) Transport and diffusion of Tau protein in neurons. Cell Mol Life Sci. 71, 3139-50. [Epub 2014 Apr 1 as doi: 10.1007/s00018-014-1610-7] (#corresponding author)
- Amrute-Nayak, M., Lambeck,K.-A., Radocaj, A., Huhnt, H.E., Scholz, T., Hahn, N., Tsiavaliaris, G., Walter, W.J., Brenner, B. (2014) ATP turnover by individual myosin molecules hints at two conformers of the myosin active site. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 111(7):2536-41. Doi: 10.1073/pnas.1316390111.
- Hinrichs, M.H., Jalal, A., Brenner, B., Mandelkow, E., Kumar, S., Scholz, T. (2012) Tau protein diffuses along the microtubule lattice. J Biol Chem. 287, 38559-68.
- Brenner, B., Hahn, N., Hanke, E., Martinmehr, F., Scholz, T., Steffen, W., Kraft, T. (2012) Mechanical and kinetic properties of β-cardiac/slow skeletal muscle myosin. J Muscle Res Cell Motility. Doi:10.1007/s10974-012-9315-8.
- Rump, A.*, Scholz, T.*, Thiel, C., Hartmann, F.K., Uta, P., Hinrichs, M.H., Taft, M.H., Tsiavaliaris, G. (2011) Myosin-1C associates with microtubules and stabilizes the mitotic spindle during cell division. J Cell Sci. 124, 2521-8. (*geteilte Erstautorenschaft)
- Kommentar in „In this issue: Myosin-1C gives spindles support” J Cell Sci. (2011) 124:e1501.
- Scholz, T., Vicary, J.A., Jeppesen, G.M., Ulcinas, A., Hörber, J.K.H., Antognozzi, M. (2011). Processive behaviour of kinesin observed using micro-fabricated cantilevers. Nanotechnology. 22,095707. Doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/22/9/095707
- Kommentar in Demming, A. “Editorial: Nanodevices come to life” Nanotechnology 22 (2011) 090201 (2pp).
- Radtke, K., Kieneke, D., Wolfstein, A., Michael, K., Steffen, W., Scholz, T., Karger, A., Sodeik, B. (2010). Plus- and Minus-end Directed Microtubule Motors Bind Simultaneously to Herpes Simplex Virus Capsids using Different Inner Tegument Structures. PLoS Pathog 6, e1000991. Doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1000991.
- Amrute-Nayak, M., Antognozzi, M., Scholz, T., Kojima, H., Brenner, B. (2008). Inorganic phosphate binds to the empty nucleotide binding pocket of conventional myosin II. J Biol Chem. 283, 3773-3781.
- Scholz, T., Altmann, S.M., Antognozzi, M., Tischer, C., Hörber, J.K.H., Brenner, B. (2005). Mechanical properties of single myosin molecules probed with the Photonic Force Microscope. Biophys J. 88, 360-371.
- Becker, N.B., Altmann, S.M., Scholz, T., Hörber, J.K.H., Stelzer, E.H.K., Rohrbach, A. (2005). Three-dimensional bead position histograms reveal single-molecule nanomechanics. Physical Review E. 71, 021907 (7 pages).
- Scholz, T. und Brenner B. (2003). Actin sliding on reconstituted myosin filaments containing only one myosin heavy chain isoform. J Muscle Res Cell Motility. 24, 77-86.
- Köhler, J., Winkler, G., Schulte, I., Scholz, T., McKenna, W., Brenner, B., Kraft, T. (2002). Mutation of the myosin converter domain alters cross-bridge elasticity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 99, 3557-3562.