PhD program Regenerative Sciences

Structured PhD program focusing on the regeneration of the organ systems heart, lung, liver and blood.

The PhD program "Regenerative Sciences" at MHH focuses on novel regenerative agents and biomaterials, cell transplants and engineered tissues or cell-enhanced bioimplants. Our PhD students hold a Master's degree or equivalent in life sciences, human or veterinary medicine, or in an engineering discipline.

In October 2007 the PhD program ‘Regenerative Sciences’ started. The PhD program was developed as part of the Cluster of Excellence REBIRTH – ‘From Regenerative Biology to Reconstructive Therapy’. The interdisciplinary program integrates all scientific and technological disciplines that are relevant for regenerative medicine. At the same time the PhD program Regenerative Sciences is integrated in the Graduate School of Excellence HBRS – Hannover Biomedical Research School.

PhD students enrolled in the program thus profit from extensive experience in two different though complementary areas: they are part of a lively and diverse scientific community in regenerative medicine as well as integrated into a graduate school hosting a diversity of different programs with long years of experience in teaching graduate students from a large variety of backgrounds.

Each year up to 20 students from all over the world are accepted into the program. Students who hold a M.Sc. or equivalent degree in Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Life or Natural Sciences, or a biomedical Engineering discipline are welcome to apply. Besides a good command of English applicants should have a strong interest in regenerative sciences and approximately 6 months of research experience.

The major focus of the three year PhD program is an individual research project carried out in the principle supervisor’s lab. Furthermore, each student has two co-supervisors whose own research foci are closely related to the PhD project but who come from outside the supervisor’s department. During the first two years lab work is complemented by weekly seminars and tutorials taught by REBIRTH faculty members covering the different aspects of regenerative sciences. Additionally, each student follows an individualized curriculum including lectures, seminars, summer schools and the like tailored to his or her specific PhD project. The PhD program covers a total of 300 teaching hours within 3 years. Students graduate from the program either with a Dr. rer. nat. (life and natural scientists only) or a PhD awarded by HBRS and Hannover Medical School.


Retreat 2024

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June Promotions 2024

Congratulations to our PhD students for this important stage in their lives. 

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Chance for a new MHH Cluster of Excellence

The draft proposal for "R-CUBE - Organ Regeneration, Repair and Replacement" has convinced the DFG and the German Council of Science and Humanities. MHH President Professor Manns: "Success…

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REBIRTH Special Lecture by Prof. Leszek Lisowski

„The future is here! The next generation of AAV vector as a foundation of cell and gene therapeutics of the future“

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Graduation 2024

Congratulations to Marjan Kheirmand-Parizi & On-Chung Ian Shum!

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Annual Retreat 2023

Great talks and posters, amazing projects and results. We are very proud of our PhD students.

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Graduations January 2025

Congratulations to our PhD students on achieving this milestone. 


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Current events

06.06.2025 - PhD Graduation

more information will follow

Our team

Professor Dr. Ulrich Martin




Leibniz Forschungslaboratorium für Biotechnologie und künstliche Organe (LEBAO)

PD. Dr. rer. nat. Ina Gruh

Vice Chairperson

Gaby Froriep (Dipl. Biol, MHFA)

Scientific Coordinator



Certified Mental Health First Aider (MHFA)

Dr. rer. nat. Zulaikha Malik (MHFA)




Certified Mental Health First Aider (MHFA)

Evrin Akdas


On Leave