Department of Respiratory Medicine and Infectious Diseases

Department of Respiratory Medicine and Infectious Diseases

Department of Respiratory Medicine and Infectious Diseases

Department of Respiratory Medicine and Infectious Diseases

Department of Respiratory Medicine and Infectious Diseases


to the Department of Respiratory Medicine and Infectious Diseases

Prof. Dr. med. Marius M. Hoeper, Acting Director of the Department of Respiratory Medicine and Infectious Diseases

Welcome to the website of the Department of Respiratory Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Hannover Medical School!

In this challenging time of transition, I have taken on the role of acting director of the Department of Respiratory Medicine and Infectious Diseases following the untimely passing of our esteemed head, Prof. Dr. Tobias Welte.

On the following pages, we would like to introduce our clinic to you. Here, you will find information about our medical services, patient care, our research focuses, and much more.

Our clinic treats up to 20,000 patients annually in its more than 10 outpatient clinics. The expertise of our team covers all areas of pneumology and infectiology, from general to highly specialized topics. For inpatient care, we offer 31 beds and an additional 4 beds in the sleep laboratory.

For our team, you, the patient, are at the center of everything we do.

Yours sincerely,
Marius Hoeper




Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

Klinik für Pneumologie und Infektiologie

Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1

30625 Hannover

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Contact for Patients and Referring Physicians

Please use the contact information for the outpatient clinics and wards. In case of an emergency, please use the link to the emergency numbers.

Emergency Numbers