Female Professors Program

Female Professors Program

The MHH was successful in the third round of the Female Professors Program of the federal government and the states with its Equality Future Concept. In the communication from the BMBF on January 22, 2019, regarding the evaluation meeting, it was stated about our application:

"The Equality Future Concept of Hannover Medical School (MHH) is positively evaluated. It meets the basic requirements of the Female Professors Program, particularly regarding sustainability. Given the very difficult objective conditions, MHH has submitted a commendable application. The situation and deficit analysis is convincing and reflective. The specific goals for each status group are defined in detail and ambitious. The package of measures relies heavily on incentives for employing women, especially through performance-based internal funding. The presented concept for personnel development and recruitment demonstrates a strong awareness of the issues. In terms of family-friendliness, the university is well-positioned."

The federal government and the states launched the Female Professors Program in 2008 as one of the measures to address the "leaky pipeline" in science. The program was relaunched in 2013 and 2008. Its aim is to increase the number of female professors at German universities by providing start-up funding for up to three professorships for up to five years (with €150,000 or €165,000 per year for each female professor). Additionally, the program seeks to strengthen the equality structures at universities. In return for the funds received, universities are committed to implementing concrete measures through their Equality or Equality Future Concept. These measures can be financed either from the university's own resources or, when filling regular professorships, from the Female Professors Program funds.

The MHH has been successful in all three rounds of the program. Through equality concepts, nearly €7 million were raised, which could be further supplemented by additional funding from the state of Lower Saxony. Not all potential funds could be fully utilized, for example, because a female professor received another offer and the program funding ended, or because not all professorships could be filled.

The MHH was able to appoint three female professors in 2008 and 2013, and two female professors in 2018 as part of the program. For more details about the funded professors, see here:


Female Professors Appointed 2018

Female Professors Appointed 2013

Female Professors Appointed 2008