40th Annual Congress

Enlightening discussions at the 40th annual congress of DGPharMed in Mainz:
1) On April 18, 2024 with PD Dr. Thomas Sudhop, Head of Clinical Trials and Information Technology at BfArM, Martin Krauss, BVMA e.V., Dr. Thorsten Ruppert, VfA e.V. and Dr. Kristin Forssmann from Meditrial on ways to revitalize Germany as a study location. The Medical Research Act points in the right direction!
2) On April 19, 2024 with Dr. Frank Wissing MFT, Dr. Thomas Kaiser IQWIG and Prof. Georg Schmidt from AKEK. The appreciation for clinical researchers in Germany must be further strengthened and experts from academia and industry should work even more closely together in an interdisciplinary manner in order to successfully master the challenges of translation in Germany.
The KKS network was there with senior representatives from 11 university medical KKS/ZKS locations from the network!