Kick-off event of the new Center for Clinical Trials (ZKS) at MHH

The Centre for Clinical Trials (ZKS) at MHH was constituted by a decision of the board of directors on 06.05.2021. Under the leadership of Prof. Christoph Schindler, ZKS is organized as staff office of Prof. Michael Manns, MHH President and management board member for Research and Teaching in the board of directors of MHH.

Under the roof of ZKS, the four pillars KKS, positioned as academic CRO (section head: Dr. Daniel Breuer), Financial Risk Management Unit (section head: Uwe Blöß), quality management in clinical research (Dr. Ina Fischer) and theearly phase clinical trial unit of MHH with its medical team will work closely together and serve the needs of the sponsors, PIs and investigators at MHH