Consultation hours
- Monday: 08:00-15:00h
- Tuesday: 08:00-15:00h
- Wednesday: 13:00-15:00h
- Thursday: 08:00-13:00h
- Friday: 08:00-14:00h
and by arrangement
Monday - Thursday: 08:00-15:30h
Friday.: 08:00-14:00h
Phone: +49 511 532-3251 or +49 511 532-6111 (Christiane Herzog Center)
Fax: +49 511 532-9474 or +49 511 532-18527 (Christiane Herzog Center)
Please make an appointment for a sweat test in case of a positive newborn screening for cystic fibrosis directly under phone: +49 511 532 3251.
Telephone consultation hour (inquiring about findings and questions to the treating physician):
Please always call during the telephone consultation hours of the last doctor to be treated
Name Day Time Phone
Dr. A.-M. Dittrich Monday 16:00-17:00h +49 1761 532 8601
Advanced education Wednesday 16:00-17:00h +49 1761 532 8601
Prof. Dr. B. Tümmler Wdnesday 18:00-19:00h +49 1761 532 8601
Dr. S. Junge Thrusday 15:00-16:00h +49 1761 532 8601