The picture shows two women in protective clothing holding their right and left hands together (“high five”). They are smiling, with a flipchart in the background.

Information on how to apply

The next call for applications is expected to take place in spring 2025. Information events on how to apply and the program will then be offered in good time before the call for applications closes.

Application requirements for potential mentees are:

  • Completed doctorate
  • Career goal professorship or comparable academic career

The application process for mentees:

Step 1: Send us a written application during the application period.

Required application documents:

  • letter of application
  • profile form for mentees (this will be available here in good time for the application period),
  • tabular CV with academic career (in descending order)
  • letter of motivation (expectations of the program and the mentoring partnership)
  • A complete list of publications, broken down into original works, abstracts, and other publications
  • A list of courses taught
  • Teaching evaluations (if available)
  • A list of independently and jointly acquired third-party funds

Please submit all application documents in a single PDF document

Step 2: After reviewing the documents, an admission interview will take place in the Equal Opportunities Office.

Step 3: The selection will take place together with the Equal Opportunities Commission.

Step 4: After acceptance into the program, matching will take place and we will inform you about your mentor.

Payment of the personal contribution of €200 (in case of a written acceptance)

Are you a professor at the MHH and interested in supporting a female early career scientist in planning and shaping her career as a mentor? Then please get in touch with us. We look forward to your registration!