D8VENTURE single crystal sealed-tube x-ray system (Bruker). The instrument can be used for testing diffraction properties and collecting complete data sets from frozen crystals at cryogenic temperatures.D8VENTURE in situ plate screening system (Bruker). This instrument can be used to test diffraction properties of the crystals and characterize crystal symmetry and unit cell parameters directly in crystallization plates. High-throughput crystallization robot PHOENIX (Art Robbins) equipped with an on-the-fly non-contact nanodispenser. The robot can perform the sitting drop setups in 96-well plates with the sample volume as low as 100 nano-liters per well. It can be used to set up the initial screen of more than 1000 crystallization conditions within 2 hours.Analytical ultracentrifuge Beckman Coulter Optima AUC equipped with a UV/VIS absorbance and a Rayleigh interference optical system The system can be used to determine the oligomerization state of proteins and to characterize macromolecular interactions and hydrodynamic properties.Analytical ultracentrifuge Beckman Coulter ProteomeLab XL-I equipped with an Aviv fluorescence detection system. The system can be used to characterize interactions of fluorescently labeled macromolecules even in complex mixtures.StepOneTM Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems) can be used for finding the best buffer conditions for crystallizing your protein.Viscotek Dynamic Light Scattering system can be used to obtain homogeneous oligomeric state for your protein sample by optimizing the protein buffer conditions.Room temperature and 4°C laboratories are fully equipped with high-quality optical microscopes for crystal handling, cryogenic tools, liquid nitrogen tanks and dewars for crystal freezing (glass, stainless steel, foam) and crystal storage.Vibration free crystallization incubators for crystal optimization can be used to incubate crystallization plates within the temperature range from 4°C to 20°C.3D graphics stations equipped with stereo visualization hardware and access to the multi-processor Linux MPI cluster HALIME. These facilities can be used for data processing, structure determination and analysis.