Data Usage
Among other things, our MeDIC provides data according to the specifications and regulations of the MII. All university hospitals connected to the MII infrastructure have agreed on a common core data set (CDS). The CDS consists of basic and extension modules. The seven basic modules (Person, Treatment Case, Consent, Diagnosis, Medication, Procedures and Lab Results) define the interdisciplinary information models. The extension modules, such as "Oncology" or "Pathology Result", represent data from specific application or specialist areas (see Figure 1).
Which data is provided and can be queried is described in the current version of the MII core data set (see Figure 1).
The German Portal for Medical Research Data (FDPG) allows researchers – also outside the MII - to apply for access to patient data from the routine care of the German university hospitals for medical research objectives. For this pupose, the number of available patients throughout Germany is queried according to specific search criteria and answered within one minute. Regardless of the indication, the data that can be requested includes a wide range of variables. For reasons of data protection, the results of the queries are disguised and anonymised. Our MeDIC is already connected to the portal and can provide the number of available patients at the MHH for the respective search criteria. For cross-site projects, please use the German Portal for Medical Research Data.