Range of Services
The following preclinical imaging techniques are routinely available at our center (additional techniques can be implemented by mutual agreement):

- Tomographic images of the distribution of all commercially available radiopharmaceuticals labeled with positron emitters for clinical use.
The images are produced as high-resolution whole or partial body images in list mode and can be converted into various formats after the examination has been completed (targeted organ reconstructions, whole body images, static images, dynamic image sequences, ECG or respiratory-triggered images). - Testing and use of new or not yet clinically approved positron-radiating radiopharmaceuticals after individual consultation.
- CT images for morphological correlation. Attenuation correction with external sources or CT.
- Use of cell tracking techniques to record cell-specific signals.
- Kinetic analyses of the above-mentioned PET tracers, incl. arterial input function.
- Integration / fusion with separately generated CT, MRI or SPECT images.
- Validation by ex vivo autoradiography / biodistribution measurements.

- Static tomographic images of the distribution of all radiopharmaceuticals labeled with the gamma emitters Tc-99m, I-123 or In-111 (no iodine-131) that are commercially available for clinical use.
The images are taken either as high-resolution organ images (pinhole collimators) or as orienting whole-body images (slit collimators). - Testing and use of new or not yet clinically approved gamma-emitting radiopharmaceuticals after individual consultation.
- Use of reporter gene imaging and to record gene expression and cell tracking techniques to record cell-specific signals.
- Simultaneous multi-isotope images using 2-3 of the above-mentioned radiopharmaceuticals.
- Dynamic images of the tracer kinetics of the above radiopharmaceuticals.
- ECG-triggered or breath-triggered recordings of the above-mentioned radiopharmaceuticals.
- Integration / fusion with CT images acquired in the same session or separately acquired MRI or PET images.
- Validation by ex vivo autoradiography / biodistribution measurements.
- Whole-body or targeted organ imaging in low-dose (attenuation correction) or high-resolution technique, without or with commercial clinical or dedicated preclinical contrast agents.
- Testing and use of new contrast media after individual consultation.
- ECG-triggered or breath-triggered recordings of heart and lung function/morphology.
- Integration / fusion with SPECT or PET images acquired in the same session or separately.
- Validation through ex vivo CT