Group Leader
![[Translate to Englisch:] Copyright: Figiel, Tom [Translate to Englisch:] Prof. Dr. med. Seidler](/fileadmin/mhh/gastroenterologie-hepatologie-endokrinologie/bilder/AG_Seidler/Seidler1_Tom_Figiel_031_pp.jpg)
- 1977 - 1985
Medical studies at the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich and the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, OH, USA - Doctoral Thesis
"Untersuchungen zur Cholesterinkristallbildung in der menschlichen Galle: Billiäre Proteine als Nukleationsfaktoren" (Mentoren Prof. Paumgartner, München und Prof. Holzbach, Cleveland)
"Investigations on the formation of cholesterol crystals in human bile: Biliary proteins as nucleation factors" (mentors Prof. Paumgartner, Munich and Prof. Holzbach, Cleveland) - Habilitation
"Untersuchungen über die physiologischen Grundlagen der Säureresistenz des Magen- und Duodenalepithels"
"Investigations on the physiological basis of the acid resistance of the gastric and duodenal epithelium"
Professional Background
- 1983 - 1984
Research stay as a fellow at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, GI Research Unit, Ohio, USA - 1985 - 1987
Research associate in the Department of General Pharmacology, Hannover Medical School - 1987 - 1988
Postdoc at the Digestive Disease Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA - 1988 - 1995
Assistant doctor for internal medicine, Department of Internal Medicine II, Technical University of Munich - 1995 - 2002
Senior Physician for Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, at the Department of Internal Medicine I, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen - August 2002 - today
Professor of internal medicine and gastroenterology, hepatology and endocrinology, Hannover Medical School
Scientific Interests
Molecular mechanisms and regulation of gastrointestinal acid/base and salt/water transport in healthy and diseased subjects
Clinical Activities
Senior Physician for Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology (Head of the IBD Outpatient Clinic)
Principal Investigator of Clinical Trials
Diagnostic Methods (DM1)
Block internship internal medicine, gastroenterology, intestinal diseases
Differential diagnosis therapy (DDT): Abdominal pain
Master's degree in Biomedicine: Gastrointestinal Physiology
American Gastrointestinal Society
German Gastroenterological Society
American Physiological Society
German Society for Internal Medicine
German Physiological Society
Scandinavian Physiological Society
The Physiological Society
German CF Foundation
Scientific Staff
PhD Students

Student Assistant
Geb I03, Eb 02, Raum 3060
Durchwahl -3753
Clinical Trials
Former Employees
- Qinghai Tan
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter - Hui Wang
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter - Jingyu Xu
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter - Shenglin Zhu
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter - Zhou Kunyan
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter - Zhenghao Ye
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter - Susann Teichmann
Study Nurse, Klinische Studien - Luo Min
Ärztin, Gastwissenschaftlerin - Gabriella diStefano
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin - Dr. rer. nat. Brigitte Riederer
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin - Sunil Yeruva
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter - Inga Hensel
PhD Student - Zhenglin Yuan
Zahnarzt, Gastwissenschaftler - Zhou Zhenzhen
Ärztin, Gastwissenschaftler - Giriprakash Chodisetti
Molecular Biology, ehem. Doktorand - Anja Klöpper
ehem. MD Studentin (StrucMed) - Taolang Li
Arzt, ehem. Doktorand - Xuemei Liu
Ärztin, ehem. Doktorandin - Yonjian Liu
Arzt, ehem. Doktorand - Oliver May
Biologe, ehem. Doktorand - Li Cao
Ärztin, Doktorandin - Jiajie Qian
Arzt, Doktorand - Alok Garg
Arzt, Doktorand