Welcome to the Surgical Research Lab


The Surgical Research Laboratory ...

... is the central research unit of the Department of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery. The research groups located at our research unit work on projects in the fields of xenotransplantation, regenerative medicine/experimental surgery, cell therapy and oncology. The available equipment allows experimental work in cell culture and cell biology, flow cytometry, as well as molecular biology and protein biochemistry. The Surgical Research Lab not only serves as a research unit for experimental work, but also as a scientific training centre for the department. The network of established methods, instrumentation and expertise available here enables young colleagues to establish their own research interests early in their careers, despite the time-consuming surgical training.

Latest news from the research lab

New Spectral Flow Cytometer

Our new BD FACSymphony™ A5 SE cell analyzer can measure up to 50 parameters (including FSC and SSC) in parallel.

More information and contact

Free Flow Cytometry Workshop


Advanced Panel Design and Instrument Setup for Optimal Marker Resolution and Sensitivity

Register here

Head of Laboratory

Frau Dr. rer. nat. Katrin Splith
☎ 0511-532 6315
📱 01761532-6155 (intern 17-6155)


☎ 0511-532 6316


Postal address​​​​​​​

Chirurgisches Forschungslabor, OE 6229
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
30625 Hannover

Research Areas



Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Mengwasser




Vincent Wolf




Dr. rer. nat. Katrin Splith


Site map

We are located in building K25 on level 03.
  • You can reach us on foot or by bicycle via Stadtfelddamm 65.
  • By car, please use the main entrance or the Frauenklinik entrance. You will find us right next to the Mensa (cafeteria).