Spectral Flow Cytometry


Our new BD FACSymphony™ A5 SE is a fluorescence-activated, spectral-capable instrument that allows you to choose between spectral or compensation-based cell analysis. It is equipped with five lasers and 48 detectors to maximize emission spectrum coverage and allow simultaneous analysis of fluorochromes with similar spectral signatures.


BD FACSymphony A5 SE

- 5 Lasers (UV Laser (355 nm), Violet Laser (405 nm), Blue Laser (488 nm), Yellow Green Laser (561 nm), Red Laser (637 nm))

- up to 50 measurement parameters (including FSC and SSC)

- S1 Laboratory


Information, Schedule and Contact:

E-Mail: ChirurgischesForschungslabor(at)mh-hannover.de or Splith.Katrin(at)mh-hannover.de


Our team is always available for questions.

Further Links:

BD Spectrum Viewer


