Precision-cut liver slices as an ex vivo model for mixed liver tissue-lymphatic cell cultures

In this project, the organoid-like structure of precision-cut liver slices is used to establish an ex vivo organ-/immune-system interface simulating immune responses after engraftment of human donor livers. Precision-cut slices of donor livers performed prior engraftment serve as a three-dimensional in vitro liver culture system. Peripheral lymphocytes of the respective recipient are co-cultured with the donor liver tissue resembling a Mixed Liver Tissue / Lymphocyte Culture. Analyses of the liver tissue and the supernatant including flow cytometry and Luminex-based multiplex assays will be used to determine the immunological reactions, especially with respect to the differentiation of NK- and T-cell lymphocyte subsets.



Dr. med. Nora Nevermann



Transplant Center, Medical School Hannover