Judith Montag
PD. Dr. rer. nat.

Research Scientist, Principal Investigator
Tel: +49 511 532 -2094
Fax: +49 511 532-161215
address: 30625 Hannover, Carl-Neuberg-Str.1, Germany
MHH Campus, Building J03, Block 01, Floor 03, Room 1340
Current Research Focus
- Differential Expression of mutant and wildtype-allele in single cardiomyocytes as a novel concept for the pathogenesis of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Genomedited pigs as a large animal model for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Analysis of burst-like transcription of HCM-associated genes
- Molecular basis of allelic imbalance at tissue level in heterozygous HCM-patients
- Analysis of allelic imbalance in PLN R14del-patients
- Influence of adipositas and aging on heterogeneity among cardiomyocytes
- 2022: Venia legendi for Physiology at Hannover Medical School, Hannover. Title of the habilitation-thesis: „Allelic imbalance and the pathogenesis of Hypertropic Cardiomyopathy“
- Since 2011 Research Scientist, group leader at the Institute for Molecular and Cell Physiology, Hannover Medical School, Germany
- 2009 to 2010 Group leader in the working group „Herpesvirus of Macaques“ in the Department of Infection biology at the German Primate Center (DPZ) in Göttingen, Germany
- 2007 to 2009 Postdoctoral Fellow in the working group „Herpesvirus of Macaques“ in the Department for Virology and Immunology at the German Primate Center (DPZ) in Göttingen, Germany
- 2004 to 2007 PhD in the working group „BSE - Risk assessment” in the Department for Virology and Immunology at the German Primate Center (DPZ) in Göttingen, Germany. Title of the thesis: „Transmission of BSE to non-human primates as a model for the new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans “
- 1999 to 2004 Diploma in Biology (Microbiology) at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen, Germany
- 1999: Abitur at the Gymnasium Nepomucenum in Rietberg, Germany
- Nonsense mediated decay factor UPF3B is associated with cMyBP-C haploinsufficiency in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients, Valentin Burkart, Kathrin Kowalski, Alina Disch, Denise Hilfiker-Kleiner , Sean Lal , Cristobal dos Remedios, Andreas Perrot, Andre Zeug, Evgeni Ponimaskin, Maike Kosanke, Oliver Dittrich-Breiholz, Theresia Kraft, Judith Montag, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Volume 185 (2023) pages: 26–37, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yjmcc.2023.09.008, Online ahead of print
- Myosin expression and contractile function are altered by replating stem cell–derived cardiomyocytes, Osten, F., Weber, N., Wendland, M., Holler, T., Piep, B., Kröhn, S., Teske, J., Bodenschatz, A.K., Devadas, S.B., Menge, K.S., Chatterjee, S., Schwanke, K., Kosanke, M., Montag, J., Thum, T., Zweigerdt, R., Kraft, T., Iorga, B., and Meissner, J.D. , (2023), J Gen Physiol (2023) 155 (11): e202313377, https://doi.org/10.1085/jgp.202313377, Online ahead of print, PubMed
- Transcriptional bursts and heterogeneity among cardiomyocytes in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Valentin Burkart, Kathrin Kowalski, David Aldag-Niebling, Julia Beck, Dirk Alexander Frick, Tim Holler, Ante Radocaj, Birgit Piep, Andre Zeug, Denise Hilfiker-Kleiner, Cristobal G. dos Remedios, Jolanda van der Velden, Judith Montag and Theresia Kraft, Front. Cardiovasc. Med., August 2022, Sec. Cardiovascular Biologics and Regenerative Medicin, doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.987889
Einzelzell-Transkriptionsanalysen und Heterogenität von Kardiomyozyten, Kraft T, Montag J. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift. Juli 2021, PubMed
- Stochastic allelic expression as trigger for contractile imbalance in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Montag J, Kraft T. Biophysical Reviews. 2020 July Epub ahead of print. Review
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy MYH7-mutation R723G alters mRNA secondary structure. Rose J, Kraft T, Brenner B, Montag J. Physiol Genomics. 2020 Jan 1;52(1):15-19
- Altered force generation and cell-to-cell contractile imbalance in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; Kraft T, Montag J; Pflügers Arch: 471(5):719-733; 2019 May; doi: 10.1007/s00424-019-02260-9; Review
- Efficient Knock-in of a Point Mutation in Porcine Fibroblasts Using the CRISPR/Cas9-GMNN Fusion Gene; Gerlach M, Kraft T, Brenner B, Petersen B, Niemann H, Montag J.. Genes (Basel):13;9(6); 2018 Jun
- Burst-like transcription of mutant and wildtype MYH7-alleles as possible origin of cell-to-cell contractile imbalance in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; Montag J, Kowalski K, Makul M, Ernstberger P, Radocaj A, Beck J, Becker E, Tripathi S, Keyser B, Mühlfeld C, Wissel K, Pich A, van der Velden J, dos Remedios CG, Perrot A, Francino A, Navarro-López F, Brenner B, Kraft T; Front Physiol: 9:359. 2018 Apr
- Successful knock-in of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy-mutation R723G into the MYH7 gene mimics HCM pathology in pigs; Montag J, Petersen B, Lucas-Hahn A, Becker E, Harries D, Niemeier H, Brenner B, Kraft T; Sci Rep: 8(1):4786; 2018 Mar
- Intrinsic MYH7 expression regulation contributes to tissue level allelic imbalance in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; Montag J, Syring M, Rose J, Weber AL, Ernstberger P, Mayer AK, Becker E, Keyser B, Dos Remedios C, Perrot A, van der Velden J, Francino A, Navarro-Lopez F, Ho CY, Brenner B, Kraft T; J Muscle Res Cell Motil: 38 (3-4):291-302; 2017 Aug
- Kraft T, Montag J, Radocaj A, Brenner B. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Cell-to-Cell Imbalance in Gene Expression and Contraction Force as Trigger for Disease Phenotype Development; Kraft T, Montag J, Radocaj A, Brenner B; Circ Res: 119(9):992-995; 2016 Oct
- Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: functional variance among individual cardiomyocytes as a trigger of FHC-phenotype development; Brenner B, Seebohm B, Tripathi S, Montag J, Kraft T; Front Physiol: 5:392; 2014 Oct
- Faster cross-bridge detachment and increased tension cost in human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with the R403Q MYH7 mutation. Witjas-Paalberends ER, Ferrara C, Scellini B, Piroddi N, Montag J, Tesi C, . Stienen GJM, Michels M, Ho CY, Kraft T, Poggesi C,van der Velden J; J Physiol: 592(Pt 15):3257-72; 2014 Aug
- Gene expression profiling of brains from bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)-infected cynomolgus macaques; Barbisin M, Vanni S, Schmädicke AC, Montag J, Motzkus D, Opitz L, Salinas-Riester G, Legname G; BMC Genomics:15:434, 2014 Jun
- Mapping the Small RNA Content of Simian Immunodeficiency Virions (SIV); Brameier M, Ibing W, Höfer K, Montag J, Stahl-Hennig C, Motzkus D; PLoS One: 8(9): e75063; 2013 Sept
- Asynchronous onset of prion disease in bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) infected macaques; Montag J, Schulz-Schäffer W, Schrod A, Hunsmann G, Motzkus D; Emerg Infect Dis: 19(7):1125-7;2013 Jul
- Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: functional effects of myosin mutation R723G in cardiomyocytes; Kraft T, Paalberends ER, Boontje N, Tripathi S, Brandis A, Montag J, Francino A, Navarro-Lopez F, Brenner B, Stienen GJM, van der Velden J; J Mol Cell Cardiol: 57:13-22; 2013 Jan
- A genome-wide survey for prion-regulated miRNAs associated with cholesterol homeostasis; Montag J, Brameier M, Schmädicke AC, Gilch S, Schätzl HM, Motzkus D; BMC Genomics: 13:486; 2012 Sep
- Unequal allelic expression of wild-type and mutated beta-myosin in familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; Tripathi S, Schultz I, Becker E, Montag J, Borchert B, Francino A, Navarro-Lopez F, Perrot A, Özcelik C, Osterziel KJ, McKenna WJ, Brenner B, Kraft T; Basic Res Cardiol; 106(6):1041-55; 2011 Nov
- Bovine spongiform encephalopathy infection alters endogenous retrovirus expression in distinct brain regions of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis), Greenwood AD, Vincendeau M, Schmädicke AC, Montag J, Seifarth W, Motzkus D. Mol Neurodegener: 6(1):44; 2011 Jun
- Upregulation of miRNA hsa-miR-342-3p in experimental and idiopathic prion disease; Montag J, Hitt R, Opitz L, Schulz-Schaeffer WJ, Hunsmann G, Motzkus D; Mol Neurodegener:4:36, 2009 Aug
Scientific methods:
- molecular biology (special focus: RNA expression analyses, miRNAs, cloning, single cell analysis, , genome editing using designer nucleases TALEN and CRISPR/Cas9), cell culture techniques
- virological methods and handling of pathogens of security level BSL 1 to 3 (“Umgangsgenehmigung nach IfSG §44”)
- animal models (non-human primates, pig),
- biochemical methods, expression of recombinant proteins in the baculovirus system
- Practical courses for medical students, dentists and biologists and seminars for medical students in Physiology
- Seminar with practical parts (topic: Blood) for midwife-students
- Lectures on the topic “blood” for medical students, dentists and midwifes
- Bachelor theses in Biology, Biochemistry
- PhD-theses in Biology and Medicine
- Fernando Dominguez (Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda, Madrid, Spain)
- Magdalena Harakalova (University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands)
- Christian Mühlfeld (MHH, Germany)
- Björn Petersen (Friedrich-Löffler-Institut für Nutztiergenetik, Mariensee, Germany)
- Julia Schipke, MHH
- Harald H.H.W. Schmidt, Cristian Nogales (University of Maastricht, Netherlands)
- Eric Villard (Sorbonne Université, Paris, Frankreich)
Allelic imbalance in PLN-R14del-induced cardiomyopathy as pathogenic factor, PLN-Foundation: 50,000 €
SCALE: single cell analysis of allelic imbalance, transnational collaboration project funded by the European Research Association for Cardiovascular diseases (ERA-CVD): own part: 297,045 €
Funding for habilitation project by the Ellen-Schmidt Programm of the MHH: 41,650 €
2011 – 2014
Project in the working program "Development of New and Improved Tools to Measure Infection and Disease in Nonhuman Primates" in EUPRIM-Net II in the 7th Framework program of the EU: own part: 235,280 €
2011 – 2012
HiLF-Program of the MHH: "Expression analysis of mutant b-myosin-mRNA in laser-microdissected cardiomyocytes from patients with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy": 16,500 €
personal funding/prices:
fellowship of the „Gesellschaft der Freunde der MHH“ for the “Professional Management Program“: 7,000 €
Voted member of the senate (representative of the scientists) of Hannover Medical School (2017-2021)
Member of the Research Commission at the MHH (since 2021)
Member of the “Commission for Ethics in Science” at the MHH (since 2015)
Member of the advisory board for the “Audit family-friendly university” at the MHH (since 2013)
Representative of the Scientists in the Centre of Physiology at the MHH (2011-2014, since 2015)
Scientific activities
Project leader of BSL1-unit of Institute for Molecular and Cell Physiology (since 2022), previously project leader of BSL2-unit and Vice-project leader of BSL3-unit in the “Unit of Infection Biology” at the German Primate Centre (2009-2010)
Reviewer for international journals
Review Editor at Editorial Board von Frontiers in Striated Muscle Physiology (since 2021)