![[Translate to Englisch:] Copyright: Karin Kaiser/MHH [Translate to Englisch:] Porträtbild von Inka Burow](/fileadmin/_processed_/3/8/csm__Inka_Burow_13_b88e14255e.jpg)
Service for journalists
We provide journalists with experts from the MHH on the topics of patient care, medical research or teaching.
You can reach us by e-mail at kommunikation@mh-hannover.de
or by telephone on +49 (0)511 532-6771 or 532-6772.
Our emergency number is +49 (0)1761 5326773.
![[Translate to Englisch:] Copyright: Karin Kaiser/MHH [Translate to Englisch:] Porträtbild von Claudia Barth](/fileadmin/mhh/presse/Publikationen/Team-Fotos/csm_Claudia_Barth_a0c67e6c7e.png)
Would you like to report on the MHH or take film footage or photos? You will need written permission to film.
Please contact us by e-mail at
kommunikation@mh-hannover.de or by telephone on +49 (0)511 532-6771.
Your contact person is Simone Corpus, corpus.simone@mh-hannover.de telephone +49 (0)511 532-6774.
Please get in touch with us in good time.
![[Translate to Englisch:] Copyright: Karin Kaiser/MHH [Translate to Englisch:] Porträtbild von Simone Corpus](/fileadmin/mhh/presse/Publikationen/Team-Fotos/Corpus_Simone_klein.jpg)
Our photographer Karin Kaiser can draw on a wealth of MHH photos. We have made some selected images available to you here, as well as the photographs for our press releases.
The photos may only be used in connection with the press releases or reporting on MHH. If you require them for other purposes, please contact Karin Kaiser, kaiser.karin@mh-hannover.de telephone +49 (0)511 532-6777. Publication is free of charge if you quote ‘Karin Kaiser/MHH’ as the copyright for photos.
Our MHH web editorial team provides videos on current topics. Downloading and using the videos for press purposes is free of charge. Please note the inclusion of the logo and state ‘MHH/Webredaktion’ as the copyright.
![[Translate to Englisch:] Copyright: Karin Kaiser/MHH [Translate to Englisch:] Porträtbild von Karin Kaiser](/fileadmin/mhh/presse/Publikationen/Team-Fotos/KarinKaiser-klein.jpg)
Services for our employees
We provide the intranet with the latest news. Please contact Claudia Barth, kommunikation@mh-hannover.de.
If you have any further questions, please contact the head of the communications department.
►This is where you will find the news on the intranet of the MHH (only available internally).
Do you work at MHH and wonder what you should bear in mind during a television or radio interview, how to act confidently in front of the camera and microphone, and how best to respond to requests from journalists? Or are you considering becoming active on social media and want to know how to approach it in a truly professional way? Then the team at the Communications Office can help you – with professionals from print, TV, audio and online.
►Contact for questions about television, radio and newspapers/magazines: kommunikation@mh-hannover.de
►Contact for questions about social media: webredaktion@mh-hannover.de
We regularly publish news about our MHH minds in the news section of the homepage https://www.mhh.de/die-mhh