From the MHH

MHH annual reception with an excellent view

The Executive Board of Hannover Medical School (MHH) welcomed around 140 guests from science and medicine, politics and business at the traditional annual reception yesterday evening.

[Translate to Englisch:] Menschen stehen und sitzen beim Jahresempfang der MHH in der MHH-Mensa, im Hintergrund spielt eine dreiköpfige Band Celle, Jazztrompete und Gitarre.

Relaxed atmosphere at the MHH annual reception in the canteen. Copyright: Karin Kaiser/MHH

From left: MHH Vice President Professor Dr Frank Lammert, State Secretary of Finance Sabine Tegtmeyer-Dette, MHH Vice President Martina Saurin, State Secretary of Science Professor Dr Joachim Schachtner and MHH President Professor Dr Michael Manns.

From left: MHH Vice President Professor Dr Frank Lammert, State Secretary of Finance Sabine Tegtmeyer-Dette, MHH Vice President Martina Saurin, State Secretary of Science Professor Dr Joachim Schachtner and MHH President Professor Dr Michael Manns. Copyright: Karin Kaiser/MHH

Once a year, the canteen at Hannover Medical School (MHH) is transformed into a reception hall - where 140 guests from the worlds of science and medicine, politics and business met yesterday evening at the MHH annual reception.

In his welcoming address, MHH President Professor Dr Michael Manns looked back on the past twelve months. He reported on "bricks and brains" - appointments and successful negotiations to stay on as well as excellent prospects that could open up for MHH as part of the Excellence Strategy. He announced the topping-out ceremony for the CiiM, the Centre for Individualised Infection Medicine, and reported that the new hospital building is making rapid progress. However, he also reminded the audience that the MHH Campus Children's Day Care Centre still needs donations for new rooms.

In the area of patient care, Professor Manns highlighted the new contact point for Long COVID patients, the procurement of a total body PET device and the improved diagnostic options for rare and oncological diseases through genome and exome sequencing. He also emphasised the contribution MHH is making to the current and future demand for skilled workers with its digital education offensive and a guarantee of employment after training in the healthcare professions.

On behalf of the state government of Lower Saxony, State Secretary for Science Professor Dr Joachim Schachtner and State Secretary for Finance Sabine Tegtmeyer-Dette delivered words of welcome. The get-together was followed by finger food and jazz music from the Johnny Tzimas Trio. Later, science slammer Felix Stegmann gave the guests some knowledge to go.

Text: Inka Burow