From the MHH

MHH awards prizes for special commitment to patient care

At the summer party, the Executive Board honored the award winners in three categories

a team from the Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine on a stage.

First place in the "Free Topics" category: A team from the Clinic for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine impressed the jury with a decentralized equality plan. Copyright: Axel Weiser / MHH

The therapy team of the pediatric clinic on a stage.

First place in the "Special offers" category: The therapy team from the children's hospital came out on top with a design concept for an inner courtyard.Copyright: Axel Weiser / MHH

A team from acute stroke treatment on a stage.

First place in the "Economy/Processes" category: A team optimized acute stroke treatment with a technical innovation and won. Copyright: Axel Weiser

Every day for life - this is the motto under which thousands of people at Hannover Medical School (MHH) work to care for patients. In order to honor the special commitment and exceptional creativity of its employees, MHH awards prizes every year as part of the so-called performance-oriented allocation of funds in patient care (LOM-KV).

At the MHH summer party on August 15, MHH Vice President Professor Dr. Frank Lammert, together with Claudia Bredthauer and Karol Martens, both Managing Directors of Nursing, awarded the LOM-KV prizes for the first places in three categories. 20,000 euros were available for each category. A total of 38 applications were submitted. A 16-member jury assessed the projects according to a points system - the money was distributed to the projects accordingly. The competition is organized every year by Executive Board member Dr. Silja Ebeling.

"Free topics" category

The Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine took first place in this category. The project team developed a decentralized equality plan for doctors at the clinic. The goals: a better balance between family and career, greater job satisfaction, equal qualifications for women and men and equal opportunities when filling vacancies. As part of the project, the clinic has already created a transparent evaluation system when filling senior physician positions and new part-time models in the intensive care unit. The equality plan is constantly reviewed and adapted. It is to be extended to other professional groups in the future. Further information about the project is available from Dr. Marieke Jüttner, telephone (0511) 532-9371,

Category "Special offers"

First place in this category went to the therapy team at the children's clinic. The team impressed the jury with the KinderGARTEN + therapy garden for children project. The focus is on two small courtyards in the children's clinic that have hardly been used to date. As one of them is adjacent to several outpatient clinics, the therapy team would like to redesign it so that young patients and their parents can spend time there while waiting. Benches will invite them to linger, plants and trees will reduce stress and anxiety and various edible herbs and flowers will invite them to touch and discover. The garden will also be used for art, occupational, psychotherapy and physiotherapy sessions for the little ones. For more information about the project, please contact Katrin Schlüter, telephone (0511) 532-3746,

Category "Economy/Processes"

First place in this category went to an inter-professional and interdisciplinary team for acute stroke care. When treating patients, the motto is "time is brain", but also "team is brain": the team of doctors from neurology and neuroradiology, nursing staff from the Central Emergency Department and the Stroke Unit, members of the emergency services and medical technicians have to work together very quickly and safely. Single call activation is now being used to optimize processes. This is achieved with the "Join" mobile app, which enables time-efficient group calls and automated documentation. The team regularly practices the new stroke care processes in a special stroke team training course. MHH Information Technology and the Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics provided the technical know-how for integrating the app into the hospital environment. For further information about the project, please contact Dr. Hans Worthmann, telephone (0511) 532-2392,, or Dr. Anna-Lena Boeck,