"180Grad" treatment and research project is aimed at young people aged between 14 and 18

The "180Grad" outpatient clinic team: Laura Budnik, Jennifer Bingemer and Professor Tillmann Krüger (from left to right). Copyright: Karin Kaiser / MHH
Sexualized violence is not only perpetrated by adults. Young people can also become perpetrators. This is where the "180Grad" project from the Department of Clinical Psychology and Sexual Medicine at Hannover Medical School (MHH) comes in. It is aimed specifically at young people between the ages of 14 and 18 who fear that they will no longer be able to control their sexual impulses. In line with the motto "Prevention is the best protection for victims", the project offers those affected anonymous and free therapeutic help under a duty of confidentiality. 18 months after the launch of "180Grad", the project team has drawn a positive balance.
Good response to difficult topic
"180Grad" is a treatment and research project on dysregulated sexuality in young people funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs. In addition to the excessive consumption of (child) pornography, this also includes sexualized fantasies of violence and assaults. Sexualized violence among adolescents is not uncommon: young people are more at risk of experiencing this form of violence from their peers than from adults. "With this project, we are focusing on prevention. Our aim is to prevent sexual assault by offering help before other people are harmed," explains Professor Dr. Tillmann Krüger, Head of Clinical Psychology and Sexual Medicine at the MHH Clinic for Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. "180Grad" stands for a 180-degree turn in a non-violent direction.
Since the project was launched in September 2022, the project team has regularly received inquiries from young people seeking advice. Six young patients are currently undergoing therapy. "Given that the topic is extremely sensitive, we are very satisfied with the response, but we want to make the project even better known and further increase its use," says Professor Krüger. The fact that the clinic is addressing an important topic with this offer is also shown by the great interest shown by other institutions such as youth protection organizations, schools, universities and psychiatric clinics. "We receive numerous requests to give lectures or hold workshops on the subject," says Professor Krüger, "which means that the demand for information is high."
Confidentiality is a top priority
Young people who have committed one offence of sexualized violence often become repeat offenders. "That's why it's important to get help before an assault occurs," explains Laura Budnik. She and Jennifer Bingemer are the project therapists who look after young people in the "180Grad" outpatient clinic. Confidentiality is a top priority. Because the therapists know how much courage it takes to tackle the problem. "We are often the first people the young people confide in," says Jennifer Bingemer. The therapists first listen and determine whether there is a need for therapy. If this is the case, the young people undergo individual therapy with various modules. These include emotion regulation, personal attitudes, risk situations and social behavior. "As we take a holistic view of people, we also take into account any other illnesses that play a role in dysregulated sexuality," explains Laura Budnik. The aim of the treatment is for young people to learn to control their impulses and accept boundaries.
The therapy lasts one to two years and does not involve medication. The outpatient clinic for the prevention of sexualized violence is in close contact with other counselling and treatment centres and can also refer patients there if necessary.
Interested parties can contact the outpatient clinic by calling (0511) 532-6746 (Mondays from 10 to 11 a.m., Thursdays from 3 to 5 p.m.). Further information can be found on the Internet at www.180grad-praevention.de
Text: Tina Götting