University welcomes 28 students to the new Bachelor's programme

The students on the day of the opening of the programme. Copyright: Karin Kaiser/MHH.
The start has been a success: today, Friday, 28 students began their midwifery studies at the Hannover Medical School (MHH). Professor Dr. Mechthild Groß, head midwife and acting head of the new bachelor's degree programme in midwifery at the MHH, welcomed the prospective midwives to the university: "Finally, the time has come. After months of preparation, we are very happy that you are here and that the midwifery profession will be strengthened with you."
Hannover Medical School is one of four universities in Lower Saxony to offer a new bachelor's degree programme in midwifery. "Hannover Medical School stands for excellent academic education. Therefore, it is important for us to actively participate in the academisation of the health professions," explains MHH President Professor Dr. Michael P. Manns.
Bachelor's programme in midwifery
The new Bachelor's programme in Midwifery Science at the MHH is a training-integrated undergraduate Bachelor's programme in Midwifery Science. Students receive an academic degree with practical professional training. Midwifery training is currently being converted to an academic degree programme throughout Germany. The Bundestag and Bundesrat had decided to implement an EU directive in January 2020. Whereas midwives and obstetric assistants were previously trained for three years at midwifery schools, from now on the training will take place as a degree course at a university. The entry requirement for midwifery training will be raised to a twelve-year general school education. The state examination leads to permission to use the professional title of midwife, the degree to a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Midwifery. This year, the MHH was able to fill 28 practice places in the surrounding practice training centres; the number is expected to be increased to 35 next year.
Seven semesters with one practice module each
The bachelor's programme in midwifery (B.Sc.) lasts a total of three and a half years.
Each of the seven semesters includes a practical module, which is completed at one of the cooperating practical training centres. In addition to the MHH Women's Clinic, these are the hospitals Diakovere Henriettenstift and Friederikenstift, the Vinzenzkrankenhaus Hannover, the KRH clinics in Gehrden, Großburgwedel and Neustadt, the General Hospital (AKH) Celle, the Sana Klinikum Hameln-Pyrmont and the Helios Klinikum Hildesheim.
Details of the bachelor's degree programme in midwifery can be found on the Internet at
Journalists can obtain further information from Prof. Dr. Mechthild Groß, telephone: (0511) 532-6116, e-mail: and at the MHH Communications Office, telephone (0511) 532-6778, e-mail: