Eased corona measures in the delivery room and on the mother-child ward / Recertification as perinatal center level 1

Great joy: Bogdan and Mihaela-Florina M. with little Luca Photo: Karin Kaiser / MHH
So much family happiness: a total of 2.749 babies saw the light of day in 2022 in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Medical School (MHH). Of these, 1.295 were girls. 113 families were happy about twins, five even about triplets. With the total number of newborns, the hospital was slightly below the level of previous years. In 2021, 2.957 children were born at the MHH. One of the first newborn babies in 2023 was Luca. He was born at 5.50 a.m. on 1 January and weighed a good 3.800 grams. The parents, Mihaela-Florina and Bogdan M., are thrilled with the little one. At home in Langenhagen, his older brother Matei is already looking forward to welcoming him.
Visiting siblings possible again
The waning of the Corona pandemic also had an effect on the procedures in the delivery room and on the mother-child ward 82. While in 2020 and 2021 expectant mothers and their families as well as midwives, nursing staff, doctors and physicians had to cope with strict Corona rules and corresponding restrictions, the measures could be eased considerably in the course of 2022. "This made the situation easier for everyone involved," notes Halina Lewinski, delivery room manager. For example, the accompanying person is now allowed back into the delivery room from the beginning of the birth. In addition, the visiting hours on the mother-child ward have been extended, and siblings are again allowed to visit. Interested parties can find out about the detailed current regulations at corona.mhh.de/en/visit. However, the restrictions during the pandemic also had positive effects, as head of the delivery room Lewinski reports. "The mothers had more time and peace for their newborns and to breastfeed them," Halina Lewinski emphasises. "The babies were more relaxed."
Highest possible level of care for mother and child
MHH is a Level 1 Perinatal Centre, and in 2022 this certificate was reconfirmed in a surveillance audit: MHH meets all spatial, technical and staffing requirements of the highest possible level of care. In practice, this means, for example, that the maternity ward, paediatric surgery and neonatal intensive care unit are interconnected and that a neonatal emergency doctor is always on site.