MHH and the University of Glasgow sign a letter of intent to intensify their collaboration in the field of infection research

Signing the declaration on a delegation trip to Scotland: Falko Mohrs, Professor Palmarini, Professor Manns and Professor Schulz (from left). Copyright: CVR
Long-term joint research: Professor Dr. Michael Manns, President of Hannover Medical School (MHH), and Professor Dr. Massimo Palmarini, Director of the Centre for Virus Research (CVR) at the University of Glasgow, have signed a joint declaration to strengthen their collaboration in the field of viral infectious diseases and basic virology. The basis is the German-Scottish project "Hannover-Glasgow Infection Strategy" (HAGIS).
"We are very pleased, as this will accelerate our existing cooperation in joint research and improve our international networking as well as our opportunities for better therapies for infectious diseases," says Professor Manns. They signed the declaration on a delegation trip to Scotland, which Lower Saxony's Minister for Science and Culture Falko Mohrs undertook with Lower Saxony representatives from science and research as well as members of the Lower Saxony state parliament from 30 April to 3 May 2024.
HAGIS was founded in 2021 by the Cluster of Excellence RESIST, which is led by the MHH, and the CVR in order to conduct joint and complementary research in the long term and thus advance the development of new therapies for infectious diseases. The University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover is also involved in HAGIS. The joint project also gives doctoral students the opportunity to benefit from the combined research strengths of the two locations: Two doctoral students from the Institute of Virology at the MHH and the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover have already been able to carry out research stays at the CVR Glasgow. Professor Dr. Thomas Schulz, who headed the MHH Institute of Virology until the beginning of April 2024, was and is in charge of its creation and development. He was the speaker for the Cluster of Excellence RESIST from the outset and has been co-spokesperson for RESIST since April 2024.
Text: Bettina Dunker