Three biosciences Master's programmes at MHH celebrate the first joint graduation ceremony
![[Translate to Englisch:] Copyright: Gustav Meyer / MHH Graduates of the three biosciences Master's programmes receive their Master's certificates in person in an MHH lecture theatre.](/fileadmin/mhh/presse/MHH_Insight/2024/240220_Biochemie_Biomedizin_Biomedizinische_Datenwissenschaften.jpg)
They've made it: During the big ceremony, some of the graduates of the three biosciences Master's programmes received their Master's certificates in person. Copyright: Gustav Meyer / MHH
![[Translate to Englisch:] Copyright: Gustav Meyer / MHH Prof. Dr Jürgen Alves (centre) presented the GBM prize for the best Master's thesis in biochemistry to Hannah Barz (2nd from right) and for the best Master's thesis in biomedicine to Carolin Aicha Rother. Congratulations to Lydia Bosse (left) and Khadija Aichane from the Junior GBM, Hanover branch.](/fileadmin/mhh/presse/MHH_Insight/2024/240220_beste_Masterarbeiten.jpg)
Prof. Dr Jürgen Alves (centre) presented the GBM prize for the best Master's thesis in biochemistry to Hannah Barz (2nd from right) and for the best Master's thesis in biomedicine to Carolin Aicha Rother. Congratulations to Lydia Bosse (left) and Khadija Aichane from the Junior GBM, Hanover branch. Copyright: Gustav Meyer / MHH

Prof Dr Siegfried Piepenbrock from the Society of Friends of the MHH e.V. presented the study prizes to (from left): Dr Adrian Schulz (Biomedical Data Science), Felix Warnecke (Biochemistry), Laura Kampe (Biochemistry), Lily Sophie Rose (Biomedicine) and Jannik Dörrie Schwabe (Biomedicine). Copyright: Gustav Meyer / MHH

Proud and grateful to be honoured by the students: The teaching award winners of the biosciences Master's degree programmes. Copyright: Gustav Meyer / MHH
![[Translate to Englisch:] Copyright: Bettina Bandel / MHH [Translate to Englisch:] Dr. Adrian Schulz hat als einer der ersten Absolventen den Masterstudiengang Biomedizinische Datenwissenschaft abgeschlossen. Dafür ließ er sich von Prof. Marschollek, seinen Kommilitoninnen und Kommilitonen Julia Winkler, Alexander Bräuer und Yasmine Alwie sowie den beiden Studiengangkoordinatorinnen Anna Selich und Melina Celik feiern (von links).](/fileadmin/mhh/presse/MHH_Insight/2024/240220_Masterabschluss_Biomedizinische_Datenwissenschaft.jpg)
[Translate to Englisch:] Dr. Adrian Schulz hat als einer der ersten Absolventen den Masterstudiengang Biomedizinische Datenwissenschaft abgeschlossen. Dafür ließ er sich von Prof. Marschollek, seinen Kommilitoninnen und Kommilitonen Julia Winkler, Alexander Bräuer und Yasmine Alwie sowie den beiden Studiengangkoordinatorinnen Anna Selich und Melina Celik feiern (von links).
It was a particularly festive premiere: for the first time, the three biosciences Master's programmes at Hannover Medical School (MHH) celebrated their graduation ceremonies together. This was the first time that the graduates of the relatively new Master's programme in Biomedical Data Science were celebrated. The first two graduates successfully completed their studies here. The large lecture hall F, the personal greeting from MHH President Professor Dr Michael Manns, the specialist lecture by a former graduate and the festive musical setting made the graduation ceremony for the three Master's programmes particularly festive. The graduates of the three Master's degree programmes in Biochemistry, Biomedicine and Biomedical Data Science were honoured by the programme directors and the Dean's Office in a dignified setting.
On this evening, the Society of Friends of the MHH also presented the study awards for the "Best Degree" in each Master's programme and the Junior GBM of the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM) honoured the "Best Master's Thesis" for each programme. The Dean of Studies, Professor Dr Ingo Just, also presented the teaching awards to particularly committed lecturers who received the best marks from the students on the three Master's programmes. The certificates were presented by the spokespersons of the Master's degree programmes: Professor Dr Matthias Gaestel for Biochemistry, Professor Dr Andreas Kispert for Biomedicine and Professor Dr Thomas Schulz and Professor Dr Dr Michael Marschollek for Biomedical Data Science. Former biochemistry graduate Professor Dr Jesko Köhnke from Leibniz Universität Hannover gave a lecture on "Investigating the chemistry of life at the atomic level". Nina Niehaus (vocals) and Jonathan Reitze (piano) provided the musical highlights of the evening with "Flashlight", "A Million Dreams" and "Titanium".
Student awards for "Best degree" and "Best Master's thesis"
In Biochemistry and Biomedicine, there were two prizes each for the best degree, awarded by the Niemann Foundation: in Biochemistry, Laura Kampe received the prize in memory of Teruko Tamura-Niemann, Felix Warnecke the prize in memory of Hans-Heinrich Niemann. In Biomedicine, the study prizes went to Lily Sophie Rose and Jannik Dörrie Schwabe. In Biomedical Data Sciences, Dr Adrian Schulz was one of the first graduates to receive this award.
In Biochemistry, Hannah Barz received the prize from the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM) for the best Master's thesis. She was honoured for her thesis "Molecular and Cellular Characterization of Human Myosin-18 Isoforms in Muscle and Non-muscle Cells", carried out at the Institute of Biophysical Chemistry and supervised by Dr Manuel Taft.
In biomedicine, Carolin Aicha Rother received the GBM prize for the best Master's thesis. She was honoured for her thesis "Generation and evaluation of CAR-NK cells targeting cervical cancer-specific antigens", carried out at the Institute of Experimental Haematology under the supervision of PD Dr Michael Morgan.
Konstantin Büttner received the prize for the best Master's thesis in Biomedical Data Science. His thesis is entitled "Development of a machine learning model for the prediction of haematological and hepatic organ dysfunction in paediatric intensive care patients using automatically pre-classified training data", carried out at the Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics (PLRI) at the MHH, supervised by Marcel Mast. His first examiner was Prof. Dr Dr Michael Marschollek (PLRI), second examiner PD Dr med Thomas Jack, Department of Paediatric Cardiology and Intensive Care Medicine.
Master in Biochemistry, Biomedicine and Biomedical Data Science
The following students graduated from the Master's degree programme in Biochemistry:
Fenja Helena Bahr, Hannah Barz, Phila Cara Baumann, Magnus Behringer, Florian Bergmann, Lydia Adeline Bosse, Eda Irem Cim, Regina Sophie Deisting, Robin Tarek Dewender, Onur Elaldi, Sedef Ersoy, Rebecca Eudenbach, Henri Göthert, Nico Heise, Daniel Hoppe, Sandra Maria Jordan, Laura Kampe, Tim Kirk, Felix Kleemiß, Lennard Bernd Köster, Tim Alexander Mast, Katharina Rahmel, Lisa Maria Schumann, Madleen Soltau, Marit Heidrun Walle, Felix Ludwig Warnecke and Madeleine Wagner
The following students graduated from the Biomedicine Master's programme:
Julia Beckmann, Irina Bevzenko, Melissa Corcini Berndt, Kristina Dauven, Sandra Dienemann, Julia Dreger, Anna Engelhardt, Merle Gatz, Julia Golgath, Cara Grün, Nick Heise, Anna Herba, Till Janotte, Johanna Kiefer, Nora Knopf, Olga Kurchakova, Pia Marie Litschel, Franziska Lötz, Lars Ludwig, Paulina Lukomska, Josephine Mayer, Theresa Niemöller, Nicara Parr, Carina, Alexandra Pawlow, Marie Peschers, Maike Quotschalla, Fabian Röpken, Lily Sophie Rose, Carolin Rother, Julia Rückoldt, Katharina Schiering, Jannik Schwabe, Anne Seebacher, Dilbar Sultanli, Leon Unsöld and Lisa Wende.
The first two graduates of the relatively new Master's degree programme in Biomedical Data Science are Dr Adrian Schulz and Konstantin Büttner, who was unfortunately unable to attend the ceremony.
Presentation of teaching awards
The following teaching prizes were awarded in Biochemistry: In the selection of the best compulsory modules, first prize went to the compulsory module Glycobiochemistry, for which Professor Dr Françoise Routier is responsible. The second prize went to the compulsory module Biophysical Chemistry, which is taught by Professor Dr Dietmar Manstein. In the compulsory elective modules, the large compulsory elective module "Immunology" by Professor Reinhold Förster received the most votes and in the small compulsory elective modules, the teaching prize was awarded twice - once to the module "Molecular Signalling Pathways in Skeletal Muscle and Heart", responsible is PD Dr Renate Scheibe, and to the module "Neurobiochemistry in Health and Disease", responsible is Professor Dr Peter Claus.
Text: Bettina Dunker