Last year, 332 organs were transplanted at the MHH. The number of living donations, heart and lung transplants and transplants in children and adolescents increased, although the total number fell slightly.

The interdisciplinary and interprofessional team of doctors and nurses specialising in paediatric pneumology, paediatric intensive care, paediatric anesthesia and HTTG surgery, physiotherapists, nutritionists and a transplant coordinator – along with many others – have contributed to five-year-old Rukeia's significant improvement following her lung transplant in autumn 2024. Copyright: medJUNGE
Five-year-old Rukeia received one of the 332 organs transplanted at Hannover Medical School (MHH) in 2024: 23 hearts, 104 lungs, 76 livers, 125 kidneys and four pancreases. This is almost five per cent fewer than in the previous year. In 2023, there were 348 transplants: 19 hearts, 92 lungs, 81 livers, 152 kidneys and also four pancreases. According to the German Organ Transplant Foundation, the number of organs donated after death nationwide also fell slightly from 2,877 in 2023 to 2,854 in 2024
Since 1970, 2,100 children and adolescents have received a new organ at the MHH
In 2024, the MHH Transplant Centre recorded an increase in heart and lung transplants, living liver and kidney donations and transplants in children and adolescents. 34 of the 125 transplanted kidneys and eight of the transplanted livers came from a living donation. 52 of the total of 332 organs went to children and adolescents - in the previous year, 40 of the 348 transplanted organs went to children and adolescents.
‘The first child at the MHH received a kidney in 1970. Since then, the life expectancy and quality of life of the children treated has steadily improved,’ says Prof Dr Dieter Haffner, Director of the Clinic for Kidney, Liver and Metabolic Diseases. Over the past 54 years, a total of 2,100 children and adolescents have received an organ at the MHH: 85 hearts, 197 lungs, 851 kidneys, 966 livers and one pancreas. 32 per cent of the kidneys and 16 per cent of the livers come from living donations from relatives.
Lung transplants under twelve years in Germany only at the MHH
‘The close collaboration across specialist disciplines enabled us to transplant 23 hearts and even 104 lungs in 2024 - that's significantly more than in the previous year. Ten children and adolescents received a lung,’ says Prof Dr Arjang Ruhparwar, Director of the MHH Clinic for Cardiothoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery.‘ This is a great team effort!’ The MHH Transplant Centre has one of the largest lung transplant programmes in Europe. It is the only centre in Germany that performs this complex procedure on infants, children and adolescents.
‘On behalf of all the staff at the Transplant Centre and on behalf of our patients, I would like to thank the organ donors and their families,’ says Professor Dr Moritz Schmelzle, Head of the Transplant Centre and the Department of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery. At the MHH alone, more than 1,000 people are waiting for an organ; in Germany there are almost 8,300 in total.
Also listen to the podcast MHH Inside ‘Lung transplantation for the youngest’.
Text: Camilla Mosel